“Public Opinion, Microsociological Aspects,” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Amsterdam: Pergamon, 2001): 12556-60.
Category Archives: Social mechanisms
Article: “Controlling Availability Cascades”
(with Cass R. Sunstein), “Controlling availability cascades,” in Cass R. Sunstein (ed.), Behavioral Law and Economics (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 374-97.
Video: “Institutions and Economic Performance: A Conversation between Douglass North and Timur Kuran”
“Institutions and Economic Performance: A Conversation between Douglass North and Timur Kuran” (41 minute educational video for the Idea Channel (now the Free to Choose Network, May 2000).
Article: “Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation”
(with Cass R. Sunstein), “Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation ,” Stanford Law Review, 51 (April 1999): 683-768. Abstract
- Reprint in The International Library of Essays in Environmental Risk, vol. 1, ed. John S. Applegate (Hampshire, U.K.: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 411-96.
- Abridged version in Cass R. Sunstein, Risk and Reason: Safety, Law, and the Environment (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 78-98.
Article: “Insincere Deliberation and Democratic Failure”
“Insincere Deliberation and Democratic Failure ,” Critical Review, 12 (Fall 1998): 529-44. Abstract
Article: “Ethnic Norms and Their Transformation through Reputational Cascades”
“Ethnic Norms and Their Transformation through Reputational Cascades ,” Journal of Legal Studies, 27 (Summer 1998, pt. 2): 623-59. Abstract
Article: “Social Mechanisms of Dissonance Reduction”
“Social Mechanisms of Dissonance Reduction,” in Peter Hedström and Richard Swedberg (eds.), Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998): 147-71.
Article: “Ethnic Dissimilation and Its International Diffusion”
“Ethnic Dissimilation and Its International Diffusion,” in David A. Lake and Donald Rothchild (eds.), The International Spread of Ethnic Conflict: Fear, Diffusion, and Escalation (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998): 35-60. Abstract
Article: “Moral Overload and Its Alleviation”
“Moral Overload and Its Alleviation,” in Avner Ben-Ner and Louis Putterman (eds.), Economics, Values, and Organization (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998): 231-66.
Article: “The Inevitability of Future Revolutionary Surprises”
“The Inevitability of Future Revolutionary Surprises ,” American Journal of Sociology, 100 (May 1995): 1528-51. Abstract
Book: Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification
Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995), xv + 423 pp.
- Russian translation (by Irina Soboleva), with an additional preface: in press, 2016.
- Chinese translation (by Ding Zhen Huan and Ou Yang Wu): Pian Hao Wei Zhuang De She Hui Huo Guo (Changchun: Changchun Publishing House, 2005), 287 pp.
- Turkish translation (by Alp Tümertekin), with an additional preface: Yalanla Yaşamak: Tercih Çarpıtmasının Toplumsal Sonuçları(Istanbul : YKY, 2001), 498 pp.
- Swedish translation (by Margareta Eklöf): Privat Sanning, Offentlig Lögn (Stockholm: City University Press, 1999), 424pp.
- German translation (by Ekkehard Schöller), with an additional preface: Leben in Lüge: Präferenzverfälschungen und Ihre Gesellschaftlichen Folgen (Tübingen, Germany: J.C.B. Mohr, 1997), xviii + 462 pp.
Article: “The Unthinkable and the Unthought”
“The Unthinkable and the Unthought,” Rationality and Society, 5 (October 1993): 473-505.
Article: “Seeds of Racial Explosion”
“Seeds of Racial Explosion,” Society, 30 (September/October 1993): 55-67.
- Reprint in Current, no. 358, December 1993: 4-15.
- Abridged reprint under the title “A Backlash against Affirmative Action is Growing among Whites,” in Paul A. Winters (ed.), Race Relations: Opposing Viewpoints (San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996): 29-35.
Article: “Now Out of Never: The Element of Surprise in the East European Revolution of 1989”
“Now Out of Never: The Element of Surprise in the East European Revolution of 1989,” World Politics, 44 (October 1991): 7-48. Abstract
- Reprint in Nancy Bermeo (ed.), Liberalization and Democratization(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992): 7- 48.
- Abridged reprint in Essential Readings in Comparative Politics, 4th ed., edited by Patrick O’Neill and Ronald Rogowski (New York: W. W. Norton, 2012), in press.
Article: “Cognitive Limitations and Preference Evolution”
“Cognitive Limitations and Preference Evolution,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 146 (June 1991): 241-273. Abstract