What is This Engineering Life?

This Engineering Life is a podcast hosted by Duke Professor Becky Simmons and Undergrads Elle Smyth and Becca Norman. Together they explore the lives of undergraduate engineers in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University through interviews with the students themselves as well as with experts in the field. For more information about our mission and team of creators, visit our About page!


How do I listen to the This Engineering Life podcast?

There are two main ways to listen to our episodes – right here on our website, or on podcast apps (coming soon to Spotify & Google Podcasts). Visit the How to Listen page for details on each.


How often are new episodes released?

We release new episodes every two weeks, generally the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Here’s a schedule of our next few releases!


I have an awesome idea for a podcast topic! How do I get it on This Engineering Life?

All podcast submissions are handled through our Submissions form. Simply fill this out and we’ll get back to you about featuring your idea on a future podcast. Thanks for helping to make This Engineering Life great!


How can I get involved?

Here at This Engineering Life we welcome outside collaborators. If you feel like you have a talent, skill, or idea that would take our podcast to the next level, please don’t hesitate to reach out to thisengineeringlife@gmail.com. For more information and other ways to reach out, see our Contact Us page.


Question not answered here?

Maybe we missed something. Don’t hesitate to contact us at thisengineeringlife@gmail.com with any unanswered questions or concerns. We truly appreciate your feedback!


Week of May 8th

  • There are no events scheduled during these dates.