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Duke Heart Pulse — November 5, 2023

Chief’s message:

Hope you all are having a good weekend. For those of you who didn’t see it – NY Times highlighted 36 hours in Durham today.


Highlights of the week:

This week: AHA Scientific Sessions in Philly!

We know a lot of you will be traveling to Philadelphia this week to attend and perhaps present at the 2023 American Heart Association’s Annual Scientific Sessions. We hope you’ll share photos and highlights with us from throughout the weekend. Please email photos and write-ups on anything you’d like to share in an upcoming issue of Pulse by sending items via email to either Tracey Koepke or Manesh Patel (or both!).

Annual Duke Reception at AHA Scientific Sessions

If you’ll be attending the 2023 AHA Scientific Sessions later this week, please join us at the Duke Annual Reception

When: Saturday, November 11 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Where: Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market Street. Level 4, Franklin Hall 8.

Sponsors: Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke Cardiology, Duke Heart Center

Questions?:  Please email Elizabeth.evans@duke.edu or willette.wilkins@duke.edu

We look forward to seeing you there!


Duke Shines at 3rd Annual NYU Langone Critical Care Symposium

The 3rd Annual NYU Langone Critical Care Cardiology Symposium was held two weekends ago (October 20-21, 2023) in New York City. Duke had outstanding representation there – including fellows Willard Applefeld and Balim Senman, as well as nurse practitioner and School of Nursing faculty member, Callie Tennyson, DNP, who each were invited faculty on the symposium. 

Senman also served on the symposium’s planning committee and was selected as overall “Best Abstract” winner in the Research Category (an award endorsed by the CardioNerds program). Additionally, Garima Dahiya – one of the current Critical Care Cardiology trainees at Duke – was selected as a “Best Abstract” winner in the Quality Improvement Category. Finally, Dr. Cherylee Chang – Professor of Neurology and Division Chief of Neurocritical Care here at Duke – also participated as an invited faculty member and was instrumental in helping to cultivate and champion the multidisciplinary focus of the symposium.

“It was great to see Duke’s influence on this maturing discipline,” said Jason Katz, MD, advanced heart failure and critical care specialist. Katz is a long-time champion of cardiology critical care training and support. You can read an interview he did for the ACC/Cardiology Magazine here.

Way to go, Willard, Balim, and Callie!


Mario Foundation Awardees Profiled by DOM

Back in August, we shared the great news that advanced heart failure and transplant fellow, Josephine Harrington, MD, won a 2023 Mario Foundation Award. Harrington and her fellow awardees were profiled this past week in the Department of Medicine’s This Week in Medicine. We wanted to share her profile here with you:

Josephine Harrington, MD

Josephine Harrington, MD, is an advanced heart failure and transplant fellow. She attended medical school at the University of Massachusetts Worcester before going to the University of Texas Southwestern for her residency. Dr. Harrington completed her cardiology training at Duke, including two years at the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) on a T32 grant. Her clinical and research interests are focused on identifying better methods to care for patients with heart failure and obesity. 

As a fellow, Dr. Harrington piloted a clinic to provide care for patients whose body mass index (BMI) was a barrier to heart transplant; multiple of her patients have gone on to successfully lose weight and receive heart transplants. Her research has similarly focused on understanding the relationship between obesity and markers of heart failure severity, and on the impact of weight loss in patients with heart failure and obesity. She is an avid hiker and loves good food and bad puns. Her winning project is: The Relationship Between Obesity, Weight Loss and Heart Failure Severity.

Q: Please describe your most significant research work and why you are excited about it. 

Harrington: Despite the fact that obesity is the single largest risk factor for heart failure, we know shockingly little about the ways that excess body weight impact heart failure physiology, or how intentional weight loss might ameliorate those relationships. I am leveraging the incredibly rich data that already exist at Duke to establish baseline relationships between obesity and heart failure, and to explore the impact of intentional weight loss on changes in those relationships. Intentional weight loss may well represent a new “pillar” for heart failure management among patients with obesity, and these data will help to establish the potential for weight loss to impact heart failure severity in this population. 

Q: What has a Duke School of Medicine education meant to you in preparing for your career as a physician and/or researcher? 

Harrington: Duke is truly unparalleled when it comes to resources and chances for collaboration and research. Rarely a week goes by where I don’t realize that there is yet another opportunity to further a research question or to leverage a dataset to inform an investigation. 

Q: We live in a fascinating time for moving medicine forward.  How do you foresee contributing to medicine that will improve the health and well-being for all populations? 

Harrington: The median BMI in the United States continues to climb, and a “normal” BMI is no longer the most prevalent BMI category. There is a tremendous need to improve care for patients with obesity and comorbid diseases, especially heart disease, which remains the number 1 comorbidity of patients with obesity. I hope that my work will directly inform care for patients with obesity and heart failure, and will help to set new standards in management for this vulnerable population. 

To read the full article, which includes a similar Q&A with Harrington’s fellow awardees, Judith B. Vick, MD MPH, fellow in general internal medicine, and Naseem Alavian, MD, MPH, a fellow in infectious diseases, please visit this link.

Shout-outs to Suleimon & Arps!

We received two notes this week from Dr. Daniella Zipkin, professor of medicine in General Internal Medicine, with feedback on two of our fellows who held teaching sessions last spring for GIM residents. Belal Suleimon taught CH/PO AHD- LTC Basics, and Kelly Arps taught CH/PO AHD Atrial fibrillation.

“Belal, I’m writing to share feedback from your teaching session last spring with the residents. They thought your session was outstanding! I’m especially grateful when fellows step up to teach, thank you so much for bringing your energy to this series!”     

And to Arps, she wrote:

“Hello Kelly, I’m writing to share feedback from your session last spring. Your teaching continues to be outstanding and well received!! Thank you so much for teaching in this series!” — Take care, Dani

Nicely done, Belal and Kelly!




Kudos to Hughes & Danielle!

We also received a terrific note this week regarding cardiology fellow Seamus Hughes that was shared with Anna Lisa Chamis.

“Hi! My name is Kami Arulraja and I’m one of the CCM fellows and am in the MICU tonight and needed to float a PA catheter, and called the CCU fellow – Seamus who came to help and truly went above and beyond. Seamus was patient and an excellent teacher; we really appreciate Seamus and the CCU charge nurse Danielle who came to help! Just wanted to let you know about one of your excellent fellows!” — Kami Arulraja, MD – PGY6, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine

Way to go, Seamus and Danielle!




Lefkowitz Celebration Video Now Available

For those who were unable to attend the 50th anniversary celebration dinner for Dr. Bob Lefkowitz last month, we now have access to a video from the evening speaking presentations. Link to video. Passcode: rjl50.  Enjoy!

Did You Know? List of Duke AED Locations

Did you know there is an online list of all known/registered AED locations on the Duke University & Health System campus? Read a recent article about this from Duke Today.

To bypass the article and go directly to the site with AED locations, go here. The list is compiled and maintained by Duke Emergency Management. You can also register new AED’s (or ones not listed there) through a link on that page.

Final Call: Flu Vaccinations!

The Duke Health deadline for all employees to be vaccinated for the flu is 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. A list of all locations, dates, times for flu vaccination, and a link to the required screening survey can be found on Duke’s Fight the Flu website. And, if you have any questions about the flu vaccine you can email either StopTheFlu@duke.edu or  EOHWflu@dm.duke.edu.

Don’t forget — masking is highly recommended when providing clinical care. Some units now require masking due to COVID outbreaks — including all Heart Center inpatient and procedural units. Please pay attention to signage on our units and elsewhere within the hospital.

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

  • November is Native American Heritage Month; Men’s Health month, and Lung Cancer Awareness month.
  • Masking is strongly recommended throughout all clinical areas during respiratory virus season, from now through early March.
  • A recording of the latest (10/24) DUHS Leadership Town Hall is now available.

Medicine Grand Rounds

Annual Stead Lecture:

Nov. 10: Antithrombotic therapy and Vascular disease management: Moving towards precision CV care and the Duke Databank 3.0 with Manesh Patel. 8 a.m., DN 2002 or via Zoom.

Cardiology Grand Rounds

(Wednesday) Nov. 8: Perioperative Smoking Cessation with Sandra Ofori of McMaster University. 5 p.m., DN 2002 or via Zoom.

Nov. 14: Cardiogenic shock treatment: Between clinical practice and current evidence with Holger Thiele of the Heart Center Leipzig at University of Leipzig, Germany. 5 p.m., DN 2002 or via Zoom.

All 2023 Duke Cardiology Grand Rounds recordings are uploaded to Warpwire. Recordings can be accessed via this link: https://duke.is/DukeCGR; NET ID and password required.


CD Fellows Core Curriculum Conference

Nov. 8: Peripheral Vascular Disease – Aorta with Jennifer Rymer. In person only. Noon, DMP 2W96.

Nov. 10: EP Case Presentation with Jessica Regan and Jonathan Hanna. Zoom only. Noon.

2023 Barbara Hertzberg Women’s Health Lectureship

Nov. 16: Coronary Artery Disease in Women: Where are we in 2023? with Leslee J. Shaw, PhD, of the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. 7:30 a.m., DN 2002 or via Zoom.

15th Annual Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium

The 15th annual NC Research Triangle Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium will be held on Friday, November 17th at the Durham Convention Center. Faculty directors will be H. James Ford, MD, director of the PH program at UNC, and Terry Fortin, MD, co-director of the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Center at Duke. Registration is now open: https://duke.is/9/7rs5. Please join us!


A&H Winterfest 2023

The dates for Winterfest Marketplace 2023, the annual holiday art show and sale hosted by Arts & Health at Duke, will take place across six Thursdays in November and December, local North Carolina-based artisans will display and sell their work to Duke Health employees, visitors and patients in the main concourse of Duke Hospital.

The event begins November 2 and runs until December 14. During Winterfest, art will be available for purchase on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Featured artisans will include Beth Ann Taylor, Chapel Hill Woodturners, Bonnie Toney, and Justin Leitner.

A portion of the proceeds from Winterfest will go back to Arts & Health at Duke, which provides support to patients through music, visual art activities and journaling. This is a great opportunity to support local artists, the Arts & Health programming at Duke Health, and to score some beautiful holiday gifts for loved ones!


5th Annual Invented at Duke Celebration

Duke’s Office for Translation & Commercialization (OTC) invites you to the 2023 ‘Invented at Duke’ celebration, their annual showcase of Duke inventors and inventions. This year, the event will take place on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, from 4:30-7 p.m. at Duke’s beautiful Penn Pavilion.

Remarks are expected from Vincent Price, president of Duke University; Robin Rasor, head of OTC; and Jungsang Kim, the Schiciano Family Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, co-founder of IonQ and a strong supporter of the translation and commercialization community on campus.

The remainder of the event will feature booths hosted by Duke inventors, drinks and hors d’oeuvres, gifts for Duke inventors who register and attend, and more. The celebration will showcase innovations and companies that have not only been started by Duke faculty and students, but have also been supported through funding and mentoring by a variety of Duke translational funds, incubators, and more.

Whether you’re already part of the Duke entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem or you’re just starting to explore how to bring your research out to the public – or perhaps you’re a member of the wider Triangle technology commercialization ecosystem – there will be something to learn and celebrate.

Attire: business casual.

Parking: at the Bryan Center Parking Garage – follow event signs and tell the attendant on entrance and exit that you’re there for Invented at Duke and you will receive free parking.

The event is free, but registration is required. You’ll receive an e-ticket to present at the door.


Have news to share?

If you have news to share with the Pulse readership, please contact Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart at tracey.koepke@duke.edu. We would love to hear about your latest accomplishments, professional news, cool happenings, and any events or opportunities that may be of interest to our Duke Heart family. Please call with any questions: 919-681-2868. Feedback on Pulse is welcome and encouraged. Submissions by Noon, Wednesdays, to be considered for weekend inclusion.


Duke Heart in the News:

October 26 — Joe Turek and Michael Carboni

PBS North Carolina

Sci NC: Cutting-Edge Science


October 30 — Robert Lefkowitz

Spectrum News

‘What would Bob do?’: Researcher reflects on 50 years of scientific breakthroughs


October 30 — Jennifer Rymer


Drug-Eluting Resorbable Scaffold Beats Angioplasty for Infrapopliteal Artery Disease


October 31 — Jennifer Rymer

espanol.news (Spain)

El andamio reabsorbible supera a la angioplastia en CLTI debajo de la rodilla


October 31 — Jennifer Rymer

MDEdge.com/Cardiology News

Drug-eluting resorbable scaffold beats angioplasty for infrapopliteal artery disease


October 31 — Sana Al-Khatib


Q&A: Patient trust required before AI-aided remote interventions can be implemented


November 1 — Harry Severance


Top Disruptors within Our Healthcare Systems Part 2


November 1 — Duke University Hospital

Becker’s Hospital Review

Top 50 hospitals for cardiac surgery: Healthgrades


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