Highlights of the week:
Duke Heart Welcomes Two New Family Members
What better way to kick off holiday celebrations than by celebrating two new Duke Heart family members? That’s what we’re doing this week!
Congratulations to Joey Harrington and Thomas Rose on the birth of their son, Harry Rose, on Dec. 9. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 15 oz.
And congratulations to Dennis & Sara Lynne Narcisse who welcomed their third child, Leo Lane, on Dec. 14. “Mom and baby are doing well and his older twin brothers, Tripp and Henry, are anxiously awaiting to meet him at home!”
They are gorgeous and we are so happy for both families!
SCMR Publishes First Training Recs for CMR Techs
The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) has recently issued their first framework to define the knowledge, experience and skills required for a technologist to be competent in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. The international team of authors include three members of Duke’s Cardiovascular MRI team: Raymond Kim, MD; Stephen Darty, BSRS, RT-N, MR, and Elizabeth Jenista, PhD.
In drawing up their recommendations, the authors sought to address the following:
- Significant regional variations in CMR service delivery.
- The need for competent and well-trained CMR technologists, as they are fundamental to the success of CMR programs. The current limited availability of CMR technologists is a challenge for CMR adoption more widely into clinical care.
- Guidelines and/or formal education in CMR imaging for magnetic resonance (MR) technologists are neither widely available nor standardized worldwide.
The SCMR recommendations were published Dec. 5, 2022 in the Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.
This is a terrific accomplishment for our Duke authors and speaks to our team’s dedication to advancing the use of CMR. Well done and congratulations!
Bloomfield Presents at AKUPI-NCD Research Symposium
Gerald S. Bloomfield, MD, MPH was invited to speak on Research Methodology Experience in Non-Communicable Diseases as part of the Aga Khan University Pakistan Initiative for Non-Communicable Diseases (AKUPI-NCD) Research Symposium: Landscape of Research in Pakistan. The symposium represents the first nation-wide initiative to bring together researchers from multiple disciplines and backgrounds focused on NCDs, from across Pakistan as well as international partners. This event was held in Karachi, Pakistan, Dec. 5-6, 2022.
AKUPI-NCD was created to address a critical gap in the response to the NCD epidemic. The Aga Khan University partnered with Duke University to design a comprehensive, integrated, multi-disciplinary training program to prepare the next generation of leaders in NCD research. The program, focused on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and their shared risk factors, is funded by a research training grant by the U.S. National Institutes of Health via the Fogarty International Center.
AKUPI-NCD is led by principal investigator (PI) Dr. Zainab Samad, the Ibn-e-Sina endowed Professor and chair of the Dept. of Medicine at Aga Khan University in Karachi. Additional PIs include Drs. Aysha Almas (AKU), Ayeesha Kamal (AKU) and Gerald Bloomfield.
Pictured here are Gerald Bloomfield, Zainab Samad, Adil Haider, Dean of the AKU School of Medicine, and a number of NCD researchers from across Pakistan at the Symposium Dinner event. Participants were gifted a Topi hat and Ajarak shawl/scarf.
Dr. Samad also shows off her selfie skills with Dr. Adil Haider (AKU Dean, SOM) and Gerald Bloomfield on the AKU campus in Karachi.
Great work!

Loring Invited to PACE Editorial Board
Congratulations to Zak Loring! He has been invited to serve on the Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology (PACE) Editorial Board. His term will run three years.
“This is pretty impressive for an assistant professor who joined our faculty less than six months ago,” said Jon Piccini, Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology.
We concur! This is great news, Zak!
Ngeno Selected for 2023 LEADER Cohort
The School of Medicine Office for Faculty recently announced their 2023 LEADER participants.
The Leadership Development for Researchers (LEADER) Program is designed for junior faculty who are leading a research group and driving their own research agenda. The course provides insight into leadership and team building as well as direction on how to develop and manage a scientific laboratory or research program, how to improve productivity, and how to harness creativity and innovation. The program was developed to bridge the gap between the scientific expertise that led individuals to a career in academic medicine, and the management skills that will be required to succeed as the leaders of small business units.
Among the 23 members of the cohort is our very own Gedion Ngeno. Congratulations, Titus!!!
Shout-out to STEMI Team
A big shout-out to our STEMI team, especially Larry Crawford, Caitlyn Dresher, Nadia, Gordon, Rebecca, and Brad — who were recently involved in the care of a patient who was brought to us shortly after collapsing during a Duke men’s basketball game. The family is deeply appreciative for the great care their loved one received.
We have an incredible STEMI team and together, we do amazing things for our community and visitors to our area. Way to go!
Wang Celebrated During CGR
Thanks to everyone who joined us via Webex on Tuesday evening to celebrate Tracy Wang, MD. It was great to revisit the work she has done over the years, and to hear about it through the comments of several mentees and colleagues who know her best!
Former mentees Jake Doll and Jenn Rymer started off the hour. Doll gave us some background on how the ARTEMIS trial got its name and we learned that no detail is too small for Wang. Among the many things he and Rymer learned under Wang is that clarity is the highest virtue – and anything worth writing is worth writing well. Rymer shared her gratitude for Wang’s guidance along with some ‘words to live by’ which are included in the image here.
Pam Douglas, Jason Katz, Manesh Patel, Adrian Hernandez, Terry Fortin, Kristin Newby, Nishant Shah, and Mitch Krucoff each contributed across the evening, which culminated in comments from Wang, who thanked all of us for 20 years of fun, friendship, and life-changing moments.
It was a fitting and well-deserved tribute to Wang and her legacy at Duke. Great job, Nishant and Jenn for planning this special session of Grand Rounds!
Some Pictures from the week:
Holiday Party pics and Matt Brennan helping clean up at the THA office after a “near miss’ with some Soda.
Additional Reminders:
- Thank you for all you do to keep everyone safe and healthy. Please remain vigilant with masking, hand hygiene, PPE, and other safe behaviors to prevent the spread of infection. Please pay special attention to the proper wearing and securing of gowns and be mindful of PPE compliance.
- Pulse is taking a break for two weeks and will return on Jan. 8, 2023. Enjoy the holidays!
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Cardiology Grand Rounds
Dec. 20: TTR Amyloidosis: Recognizing that it’s Not Uncommon with Dr. Michel Khouri. Webex.
Dec. 27: No CGR this week. Happy holidays!
Jan. 10: Our guest speaker will be Dr. Larry Jackson. Zoom. 5 p.m.
CME & Other Events
Dec. 19: PDC Annual Member Meeting. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Zoom.
The meeting will be recorded and posted the following day. Submit questions to: PDC-President@dm.duke.edu. Agenda items will include:
- Financial Year In Review
- Review of Retirement Portfolio Performance from CAPTRUST
- The Path Forward for 2023: Duke Health Integrated Practice
- Anticipated Member Asset Distribution Plan
February is Heart Month
Feb. 3: National Wear Red Day. We encourage everyone to wear red on Friday, Feb. 3 to show our support for heart health overall, but especially to support women and cardiovascular disease awareness.
Have news to share?
If you have news to share with the Pulse readership, please contact Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart at tracey.koepke@duke.edu. We would love to hear about your latest accomplishments, professional news, cool happenings, and any events or opportunities that may be of interest to our Duke Heart family. Please call with any questions: 919-681-2868. Feedback on Pulse is welcome and encouraged. Submissions by Noon, Wednesdays, to be considered for weekend inclusion.
Duke Heart in the News:
December 6 — Nishant Shah
Bromocriptine appears to drop BP, improve arterial stiffness in teens with type 1 diabetes
December 12 — Duke Health/Duke Heart
Becker’s Hospital Review
28 moves from top US heart centers in 2022
December 13 — Christopher O’Connor
Medpage Today
Omecamtiv Mecarbil Not Ready for Prime Time, FDA Advisors Say
December 14 — Joseph Turek & the Sinnamon family
WAFB-BTR (CBS News 9/Baton Rouge, LA)
Heart transplant makes medical history
(*clip begins @ 05:49:43)
December 14 — Pamela Douglas
Bullying in Cardiology: Has More Diversity Led to Backlash?
Division of Cardiology Publications Indexed in PubMed December 8-13, 2022
Abtan J, Bhatt DL, Elbez Y, Ducrocq G, Goto S, Smith SC, Ohman EM, Eagle KA, Fox K, Harrington RA, Leiter LA, Mehta SR, Simon T, Petrov I, Sinnaeve PR, Pais P, Lev E, Bueno H, Wilson P, Steg PG. External applicability of the Effect of ticagrelor on Health Outcomes in diabEtes Mellitus patients Intervention Study (THEMIS) trial: An analysis of patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease in the REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) registry. Int J Cardiol 2023 Jan 1;370:51-57. PM: 36270493.
Butler J, Usman MS, Anstrom KJ, Blaustein RO, Bonaca MP, Ezekowitz JA, Freitas C, Lam CSP, Lewis EF, Lindenfeld J, McMullan CJ, Mentz RJ, O’Connor C, Rosano GMC, Saldarriaga CI, Senni M, Udelson J, Voors AA, Zannad F. Soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction across the risk spectrum. Eur J Heart Fail 2022 Nov;24(11):2029-2036. PM: 36250238.
Chunawala ZS, Qamar A, Arora S, Pandey A, Fudim M, Vaduganathan M, Mentz RJ, Bhatt DL, Caughey MC. Prognostic significance of obstructive coronary artery disease in patients admitted with acute decompensated heart failure: the ARIC study community surveillance. Eur J Heart Fail 2022 Nov;24(11):2140-2149. PM: 35851711.
Friedman DJ, Pierre D, Wang Y, Gambone L, Koutras C, Segawa C, Farb A, Vemulapalli S, Varosy PD, Masoudi FA, Lansky A, Curtis JP, Freeman JV. Development and validation of an automated algorithm for end point adjudication for a large U.S. national registry. Am Heart J 2022 Dec;254:102-111. PM: 36007567.
Greene SJ, Goto D, Wang D, Hilkert R, Lautsch D, Fonarow GC. Outpatient versus inpatient intravenous diuretic therapy for heart failure in the United States. Eur J Heart Fail 2022 Nov;24(11):2199-2202. PM: 36334074.
Kaolawanich Y, Azevedo CF, Kim HW, Jenista ER, Wendell DC, Chen EL, Parker MA, Judd RM, Kim RJ. Native T1 Mapping for the Diagnosis of Myocardial Fibrosis in Patients With Chronic Myocardial Infarction. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022Dec;15(12):2069-2079. PM: 36481075.
Kapur NK, Kim RJ, Moses JW, Stone GW, Udelson JE, Ben-Yehuda O, Redfors B, Issever MO, Josephy N, Polak SJ, O’Neill WW. Primary left ventricular unloading with delayed reperfusion in patients with anterior ST-elevation myocardial infarction: Rationale and design of the STEMI-DTU randomized pivotal trial. Am Heart J 2022 Dec;254:122-132. PM: 36058253.
Kester KM, Hatton J, Kelly J, Carroll M, Lindsay M, Jordan N, Fuchs MA, Patel MR, Engel J, Granger B. Moving nursing innovation to prime time through the use of creative partnerships. Nurs Outlook 2022 ;70(6):820-826. PM: 36154773.
Longo de Oliveira ALM, de Oliveira Pereira RF, Agati LB, Ribeiro CM, Kawamura Suguiura GY, Cioni CH, Bermudez M, Pirani MB, Caffaro RA, Castelli V, Resende Aguiar VC, Volpiani GG, Paschoa A, Scarlatelli Macedo AV, de Barros E Silva PGM, de Campos Guerra JC, Fareed J, Lopes RD, Ramacciotti E. Rivaroxaban Versus Enoxaparin for Thromboprophylaxis After major Gynecological Cancer Surgery: The VALERIA Trial : Venous thromboembolism prophylxis after gynecoogical plvic cancer surgery with varoxaban versus enoxparin (VALERIA trial). Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2022;28:10760296221132556. PM: 36474344.
Mori M, Mark DB, Khera R, Lin H, Jones P, Huang C, Lu Y, Geirsson A, Velazquez EJ, Spertus JA, Krumholz HM. Identifying quality of life outcome patterns to inform treatment choices in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Am Heart J 2022 Dec;254:12-22. PM: 35932911.
Murray EM, Greene SJ, Rao VN, Sun JL, Alhanti BA, Blumer V, Butler J, Ahmad T, Mentz RJ. Machine learning to define phenotypes and outcomes of patients hospitalized for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: Findings from ASCEND-HF. Am Heart J 2022 Dec;254:112-121. PM: 36007566.
Nardin M, Pivato CA, Cao D, Sartori S, Zhang Z, Vogel B, Nicolas J, Chiarito M, Qiu H, Chandrasekhar J, Spirito A, Abizaid A, Christiansen EH, Colombo A, de Winter RJ, Haude M, Jakobsen L, Jensen LO, Krucoff MW, Landmesser U, Saito S, Suryapranata H, De Luca G, Dangas G, Mehran R. The mega COMBO collaboration: An individual patient data pooled analysis of patients undergoing PCI with COMBO stent. Int J Cardiol 2023 Jan 1;370:149-155. PM: 36270496.
Nelson AJ, Inohara T, Rao SV, Kaltenbach LA, Wojdyla D, Wang TY. Comparing the Classification of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Using the 2012 and 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria: Insights From 245,196 Patients in the NCDR CathPCI Registry. Am Heart J 2023 Jan;255:117-124. PM: 36220357.
Rosario KF, Brezitski K, Arps K, Milne M, Doss J, Karra R. Cardiac Sarcoidosis: Current Approaches to Diagnosis and Management. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2022 Dec;22(12):171-182. PM: 36308680.
Rymer JA, Kirtane AJ, Farb A, Malone M, Jaff MR, Seward K, Stephens D, Barakat MK, Krucoff MW. One-Year Follow-Up of Vascular Intervention Trials Disrupted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Use-Case landscape. Cardiovasc Revasc Med 2022 Dec;45:67-73. PM: 35953406.
Schwartz FR, Daubert MA, Molvin L, Ramirez-Giraldo JC, Samei E, Marin D, Tailor TD. Coronary Artery Calcium Evaluation Using New Generation Photon-counting Computed Tomography Yields Lower Radiation Dose Compared With Standard Computed Tomography. J Thorac Imaging 2023 Jan 1;38(1):44-45. PM: 36490311.
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