Cath/EP Waiting Room Opens Monday, Oct. 14
Our newly renovated and enhanced waiting area for the Adult Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology Labs at Duke University Hospital is fully operational and open to patients and visitors starting tomorrow, Oct. 14. The renovation expanded the available seating area from 26 to 46 seats. We’ve added a physician consultation room, an open check-in area with a second window, a quiet area, outer glass wall for a modern and spacious feel, two entrances and additional signage. Each modification was made to give patients and families greater comfort and more privacy, which we believe will enhance their experience. Members of the Duke Heart Patient Family Advisory Council weighed in on our design.
Many thanks to Brian Wofford, Mary Lindsay, Elizabeth Watts and Greg Shelton from Duke Heart for their efforts on this project; a big thank you to project manager Dane Van Enwyck, interior designer Amy Young, and maintenance and construction supervisor Ray Doss, as well as our PFAC members. Great job everyone – the space is gorgeous!
Superhero Kudos to Truby & Lowenstern
We received a terrific note this week from our colleague, Dr. Suchita Sata, in Duke Internal Medicine: “I cannot say enough good things about your fellows Lauren Truby and Angela Lowenstern for their excellent care for a patient of mine earlier this week.
“A patient of mine on the hospitalist service had a STEMI on the floor. The 115 STEMI activation worked
beautifully. These two phenomenal women rushed in, white coats flying like superhero capes, and saved this patient’s life. Their calm control of the situation and also clinical prowess was amazing to witness. It was some of the best clinical care delivered by fellows I have seen in my time here at Duke.Thank you for building a team for excellence.”
Awesome job, Lauren and Angela!
Thanks to you and to all of our fellows for representing Duke Heart so well! Thanks to Anna Lisa Crowley for forwarding this note to share in Pulse.
Shout-Out to Lovell
On a recent visit to Nashville, TN, Taylor Lovell, a nurse in our cardiothoracic ICU, rushed to the aid of a bus passenger who was found unconscious, turning blue and without a pulse. Taylor performed CPR, got a pulse and turned the patient over to EMS. Although we are unable to report on the condition of the patient, we are so proud to know our Duke Heart providers are ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice no matter where they are.
Well done, Taylor! Many thanks to Pam Pennigar (Duke Sarcoma Program) and Jill Engel for bringing this to our attention.
Cardiovascular MR Practicum Held
The semi-annual Duke Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Center (DCMRC) Cardiovascular MR Practicum was held Oct. 7 – 11 at the Searle Center. In attendance were physicians, technologists, and fellows. During the Practicum, participants are provided with an understanding of the principles of magnetic resonance imaging, safety issues in performing cardiac MR, and imaging protocols currently available for the evaluation of the structure and function of the cardiovascular system. Case presentations, one-on-one discussions, and observation of actual patient imaging were provided.
Pictured here are some of the DCMRC faculty, leadership, and staff.
Doximity Deadline, Oct. 31
All of you are busy and we know some of you are not as interested in social media platforms as others, but… Doximity registration is the only way to ensure you will absolutely have the opportunity to vote online in the U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals survey.
Please take a moment to claim your profile in Doximity. If you do not know if you are registered or not, please contact Tracey Koepke, Director of Communication for Duke Heart. She has the full list of faculty who are (and who aren’t!) registered. If you have questions about how to utilize Doximity, she can help with that, too.
Please make sure you’re eligible to vote in early 2020. The deadline is October 31, 2019.
- Visit com and enter your first and last name.
- Select your profile
- Follow the prompts to sign in, reset your password or create a new account.
Thank you!
Upcoming Opportunities/Save the Date:
Duke SOM Research Week
The inaugural Duke University School of Medicine Research Week is this week! Activities for the week include presentations from four School of Medicine faculty members (including Duke Heart’s Svati Shah!), a Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI) Research Town Hall, the Robert J. Lefkowitz, MD, Distinguished Lecture, Innovation Jam, a Clinical Keynote Lecture, and a poster session featuring the research of residents, trainees and PhD students from clinical and basic science departments. To learn more:
Cardiology Grand Rounds
In lieu of grand rounds this week, we will hold the Cardiology Faculty Meeting. Please join us on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 5 p.m., DN, 2003.
Upcoming Grand Rounds:
- 22: Cardiology Fellows Conference with Sounok Sen
- 29: Euan Ashley from Stanford, “Towards Precision Medicine.” 5 p.m.
- 5: Renato Lopes will present “AF and PCI: Triple Trouble? Double Therapy? Where do we stand in 2019?”
- 8 (Friday): Kim Eagle, Michigan, will be presenting the Eugene Stead Lecture
- 12: Javed Butler, University of Mississippi
Duke Heart Safe Choices, Nov. 6
Our next Duke Heart Safe Choices workshop will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 6 from 4 – 6:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Trent Semans Center.
The workshop includes presentations from Duke Health patient safety officers and Duke Heart leadership, as well as break-out discussions to discuss past safety events. In the small groups, you’ll review an actual case in order to identify and analyze risks taken and potential solutions to enhance patient safety.
These workshops are some of the most important events we offer to our care teams in Duke Heart. They offer a time to gather and intentionally reflect on the role each of us plays in the safety of our patients and each other. We need participation from all teams and each type of provider. Join us!
Dinner will be provided. Please register here:
Save the Date: 3rd Annual Cardio-Oncology Symposium
The third annual Duke Cardio-Oncology Symposium will be held on Feb. 22, 2020. Chiara Melloni and medical oncologist Susan Dent are co-chairs. Stay tuned for more information!
Have news to share?
If you have news to share with the Pulse readership, please contact Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart at We would love to hear about your latest accomplishments, professional news, cool happenings, and any events or opportunities that may be of interest to our Duke Heart family. Please call with any questions: 919-681-2868. Feedback on Pulse is welcome and encouraged.
Duke Heart in the News:
October 10 — L. Kristin Newby
tctMD/the heart beat
Any Troponin Bump in Suspected ACS—MI or Not—Signals High CV Risk: High-STEACS
October 9 — Mitchell Krucoff
Another study finds no evidence of increased long-term mortality with paclitaxel-coated devices
October 8 — Sarah Cross (Sanford School of Public Policy)
Cardiovascular Business
Homes overtake hospitals as most common site of CV death
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