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Start of the New Academic Year: July 7th 2019

New Academic Year and New Cardiology Fellows Start:

After a lot of anticipation and certainly a lot of orientation, we were excited to have our new cardiology fellows start @Duke Cardiology.  This year we had our 8 new fellows start on the clinical wards along with Jordon Pomeroy one of our current fellows who is coming from his research years.  Listed below are our new fellows and the medicine programs that they come to us from.

Kelly Arps, MD Johns Hopkins
Vanessa Blumer, MD University of Miami
Jessica “Jessie” Duran, MD MGH
Josephine “Joey” Harrington, MD UT Southwestern
Anthony Peters, MD University of Virginia
Toi Spates, MD Duke
Frances Ugowe, MD Duke
Christopher Wrobel, MD UT Southwestern

I was excited to welcome our new partners to the cardiovascular practice and spent some time ensuring that they recognized and hopefully relished these next few years.  They go by fast.  There are many sources of advice and opportunities to learn at Duke Heart.  I recommended that they “drink from the fountain” and get to know and learn the unique things that make our faculty effective and special so that they can develop their own mosaic of skills for clinical, research and educational missions.  We are blessed to have some many great people @DukeHeart and it starts and is driven by the fellows, who are the lifeblood of our program.  Many of our faculty and current fellows have helped ensure that the fellows hit the ground running with “Fellows Boot Camp” and other support activities.  We want to thank you all for your support.

We also wanted to recognize that Jordon recently received a $25k award from the new Office of Physician Scientist Development (OPSD) to support the salary of a lab technician!  As he notes “This award will allow me to continue working on active research goals as I return to full time clinical fellowship this July 2019.”  Jordan’s research involves developing novel cardiac fibrosis disease models utilizing functional engineered cardiac tissues. He will be continuing his tissue engineering work in the Bursac Lab in the Duke Department of Biomedical Engineering.  Great work Jordan!

Finally, over the last several weeks I have had the chance to visit with Dr. Joseph Greenfield who has meant so much to the Department, Division, and the fellows over the years.  As we start a new year with fellows, I thought it would be fun to start to post some of the wit and wisdom of Joe Greenfield.  Some of you may have copies of this little book, but I have started to digitize it and will be posting some of them.  Also – for our past graduates, fellows, faculty, and DUCCS members, please be aware that Tom Bashore is working on a project to Digitize our fellowship society and history and may be contacting you.  Thank you for being part of the the Duke Family.



Baseline Health System Consortium – Duke Heart and Research:
New research study on Lp(a) in secondary prevention patients now enrolling

We wanted to share that a new Project Baseline study is now enrolling participants. The Heart Biomarker Study is an observational study in efforts to better understand Lp(a) levels in people who have a history of myocardial infarction or stroke.  Our faculty including Adrian and Svati have helped with study design.  People who have experienced a heart attack or stroke are being directly contacted to see if they are interested in participating.

Participants are asked to share their health history by linking their EHR and take a one-time blood test at a local LabCorp. They will receive their lab results back and be compensated $100 for their time. Interested participants can enroll directly here.

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