An international workshop on early 20th-century films and their divided legacies and afterlives in Asia
Theorizing Colonial Cinemas Workshop Schedule
8:30-9:00 coffee and refreshments
9:00 Welcome
9:10-10:55 Panel 1, Chair: Calvin Hui (William & Mary)
Aimee Kwon (Duke)
“Handmaiden and Other Perversions of Postcolonial Remembrances”
Yiman Wang (UC Santa Cruz)
“Chinese Cinema’s Other: Anna May Wong and Her ‘China-humiliating’ Films”
Stephen Poland (Harvard)
“Cinema of Security: Regulating Ethnicity in Manchukuo’s Feature Films”
Discussant: Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia)
10:55 -11:55 Keynote Session I, Chair: Prasenjit Duara (Duke)
Zhen Zhang (NYU/NYU Shanghai)
“‘Orphan Island’ Revisited: Star-Crossed Love, Disfigured Face, and Wartime Shanghai Film History”
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:15 Panel 2, Chair: Leo Ching (Duke)
Takushi Odagiri (Duke)
“Seo Mitsuo and Wartime Japanimation”
Michael Baskett (Kansas)
“Struggles for Independence: The Cold War Afterlife of Japan’s Colonial Cinema”
Aaron Gerow (Yale)
“Colonial Era Film Cinema and the Problem of Internalization”
Discussant: Gregory Flaxman (UNC-Chapel Hill)
3:15-4:15 Keynote Session II, Chair: Guo-Juin Hong (Duke)
Jane Gaines (Columbia)
“What Did Hollywood Export to the Rest of the World”
4:15-4:30 coffee
4:30-6:15 Panel 3, Chair: Beth Holmgren (Duke)
Moonim Baek (Yonsei)
“Proletarian Screens of the Empire: (Dis-)Alliance Between Japanese and Korean Socialist Film Movements”
Nadine Chan (Chicago)
A Time-Lagged Medium: Colonial Documentary in British Malaya and the Asynchronous Reproducibility of Reality”
Hieyoon Kim (UCLA)
“Returning to the Colonial, Claiming the National: Korean Film Historiography in the 1960s”
Discussant: Amadou Fofana (Willamette)
6:15-7:00 Roundtable Discussion, Chair: Aimee Kwon