Campus Location of Mathematics@Duke

There are a number of considerations which should inform the ideal placement and design of a space of  the Duke mathematics department and the mathematical sciences in general.

The Duke mathematics department is very engaged in collaborations across campus. The primary nexuses of collaboration are now and in the future:

  1. Structure of Data and Information: Computer Science, Statistics  and Electrical Engineering.

  2. Mathematical Biology, Genomics and Physiology: Biology, Bio-Medical engineering, Med-school, basic science.

  3.  String theory/Mathematical physics: Physics

  4. Nonlinear Science and Condensed Matter: Physics and Mechanical Engineering.

In many ways, the Duke mathematics department currently finds itself itself in a nearly ideal location.

  1.     Collocated with Physics. Near Biology, engineering and the basic science of the Medical School.

  2. Located centrally in the undergraduate campus. With its heavy undergraduate teaching, especially in the first and second year, it desirable to be close to its undergraduate teaching space to give a more integrated undergraduate experience.

  3. No further from the library’s collection in mathematical sciences which is currently houses in Bostock Library. The library has been incrementally moved further and further from the department.  A decade ago it was in the mathematics/physics building. The collection is still used heavily and increasing the distance would have an adverse effect

The principle deficiency in mathematics current location is principally its distance from computer science and statistics. We see these departments, along with electrical engineering, as central to one of the principle future directions of mathematics department.

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