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Progress and Open Problems 2021: September 12-15, 2021, SCGP, Stony Brook
Arrival date: Saturday, September 11.
Departure date: Wednesday afternoon, September 15, or Thursday, September 16.
All times are EDT. Organizer is Mark Haskins (Duke University).
SUN 12 SEP |
MON 13 SEP |
WED 15 SEP |
9:30-10:30 |
J. Heckman | J. Wu | Z. Liu | D. Platt |
11:00-12:00 |
G.Ball | F. Lehmann | S. He | Wrap-up session |
13:00-14:00 |
Y. Li (SCGP Weekly Talk) | |||
14:00-15:00 |
S. Sun | M. Hubner | X. Chen | |
16:00-17:00 |
T. Collins | Open problems discussion | T. Walpuski (Joint with Stony Brook Geometry) |
- Gavin Ball (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Associative submanifolds of the Berger space
- Xuemaio Chen (University of Maryland), Compactness for Ω-Yang-Mills connections
- Tristan Collins (MIT), Calabi-Yau manifolds through conifold transitions
- Siqi He (Stony Brook), The branched deformations of special Lagrangian submanifolds
- Jonathan Heckman (University of Pennsylvania), Quantum Reflections in 3D QFTs and their Local Spin(7) Counterparts
- Max Hübner (University of Pennsylvania), Higgs Bundles for G2 Manifolds and Brane/Particle Probes
- Fabian Lehmann (Stony Brook), Non-compact Spin(7)-manifolds
- Yang Li (MIT), SYZ conjecture and non-archimedean geometry
- Zhenhua Liu (Princeton University), Every finite graph arises as the singular set of a compact 3-d calibrated area minimizing submanifold
- Daniel Platt (Imperial College, London), New estimates for G2-structures on resolutions of orbifolds
- Song Sun (UC Berkeley), Collapsing geometry of 4 dimensional hyperkahler manifolds, Part 2
- Thomas Walpuski (Humboldt University of Berlin), The Gopakumar-Vafa finiteness conjecture
- Jingxiang Wu (Perimeter Institute/Oxford University), Kondo line defect and affine oper/Gaudin correspondence
This conference will be immediately preceded by our Fifth annual meeting held at the Simons Foundation in New York City.
Numerical and Geometric Methods for Ricci-flat Metrics and Flows, virtual meeting online, 24-28 May 2021
The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting on 24-28 May, 2021, entitled “Numerical and Geometric Methods for Ricci-flat Metrics and Flows”.
Scientific Organizers:
Bobby Acharya, Robert Bryant, and Jason Lotay.
This workshop will survey some recent progress in understanding methods for constructing, analyzing, and classifying Ricci-flat metrics, Ricci solitons, and various flows. These methods include traditional geometric estimate-based methods as well as numerical approaches to approximating Ricci-flat metrics. There will talks by both mathematicians and physicists and motivations, methods, and applications in physics will be discussed as well.
We will hold two lectures per day, plus moderated discussion sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. Zoom access to the lectures is by invitation only, but YouTube access for the lectures will also be available at
Our schedule is as follows. – All times are given in British Summer Time as well as in Eastern Daylight Time. (Please refer to a time zone converter if you aren’t sure what time it will be in your time zone). There will be a brief conference introduction from Robert Bryant prior to the first talk on Monday.
MON 24 MAY |
TUE 25 MAY |
WED 26 MAY |
THU 27 MAY |
FRI 28 MAY |
16:00-17:00 (BST) |
S. Donaldson | H.-J. Hein | S. Brendle | N. Kapouleas | D. Knopf |
18:00-19:00 (BST) |
M. Douglas | L. Anderson | T. Ozuch | R. Bamler | |
19:15-21:00 (BST) |
Discussion Led by A. Ashmore (U. Chicago, physics) | Discussion led by B. Acharya (ICTP & King’s College London) |
Documents associated with Tuesday’s discussion:
Documents associated with Thursday’s discussion:
The links will take you to abstracts, slides of lectures, and/or video recordings of the lectures (when available).
- Lara Anderson (Virginia Tech), SU(3)-Holonomy and SU(3)-Structure metrics from Machine Learning
- Richard Bamler (UC Berkeley), U(2)-invariant Ricci flows in dimension 4 and partial regularity theory for Ricci flows
- Simon Brendle (Columbia), Ancient solutions to the Ricci flow in dimension 3
Panagiota Daskalopoulos (Columbia), Ancient compact solutions to Ricci flow and Mean curvature flow
Lecture cancelled- Simon Donaldson (SCGP and Imperial College London), Asymptotic analysis, moment maps and numerical approximations in Kahler geometry
- Michael Douglas (Harvard CMSA and Stony Brook), Numerical Calabi-Yau metrics from holomorphic networks
- Hans-Joachim Hein (Münster), The renormalized volume of a 4-dimensional Ricci-flat ALE space
- Nicos Kapouleas (Brown), Gluing Eguchi-Hanson Metrics and a Question of Page
- Dan Knopf (U. Texas, Austin), Ricci Solitons, Conical Singularities, and Nonuniqueness
- Tristan Ozuch (MIT), Noncollapsed degeneration and desingularization of Einstein 4-manifolds
Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Resurgence, virtual meeting online, 11-15 January 2021
The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting on 11-15 January, 2021, entitled “Donaldson-Thomas invariants and Resurgence”.
Scientific Organizers:
Dominic Joyce, Simon Salamon, and Sakura Schafer-Nameki.
3-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories T are a major area of research in Geometry and String Theory. Examples include derived categories Dbcoh X of coherent sheaves and the derived Fukaya category DbF(X) on a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X, where Kontsevich’s Homological Mirror Symmetry Conjecture explains mirror symmetry between Calabi-Yau 3-folds X, X* as equivalences of categories Dbcoh X = DbF(X*), DbF(X) = Dbcoh X*.
For such a 3-Calabi-Yau category T one can consider the moduli space Stab(T) of Bridgeland stability conditions on T, and for each σ in Stab(T) one can (under good conditions) define Donaldson-Thomas (D-T) invariants DTα(σ), which are rational numbers ‘counting’ σ-semistable objects in class α in Knum(T).
A nice example, which will be covered at the conference, is a class of categories T of derived representations of a quiver with superpotential (Q,W), in which Stab(T) and DTα(σ) can be described by work of Bridgeland and Smith in terms of quadratic differentials on a Riemann surface.
Recent work of Tom Bridgeland and coauthors explains how to encode D-T invariants into interesting geometric structures on Stab(T), involving Stokes phenomena and Riemann-Hilbert problems for singular flat connections, and connected (via Tom’s paper with Ian Strachan) to complex hyperkahler manifolds and twistor theory. All this is related to work of Kontsevich and Soibelman on analytic stability data and resurgence, and to a circle of ideas in String Theory, including work of Gaiotto, Moore and Neitzke, and topics such as resurgence, WKB analysis, and line operators.
The conference will explain these ideas with introductory talks, and aim to promote communication between Geometers and String Theorists, to better understand this new and fast-moving area.
The virtual meeting comes in two parts:
- Recorded lectures which can be viewed by participants at any time, and;
- “Live” lectures streamed via Zoom and YouTube, which can also be watched later. Our live sessions will also include some discussions, which may include discussions of both the live lectures and the recorded lectures. YouTube access for the lectures is available at
Our recorded lectures are as follows. Those who are unfamiliar with Bridgeland stability should endeavor to watch these recorded lectures before the live lectures by Bridgeland.
- Fabian Haiden (Oxford), Introduction to Bridgeland stability
- Dominic Joyce (Oxford), Donaldson-Thomas theory of Calabi-Yau 3-folds
Our live schedule is as follows. – All times are given in British time, in honor of the originally planned venue for the meeting, as well as in Eastern Daylight Time. (Please refer to a time zone converter if you aren’t sure what time it will be in your time zone). There will be a brief conference introduction from Robert Bryant prior to the first talk on Monday.
You can download the programme of this meeting, or consult the version below.
16:00-17:00 (GMT) |
B. Pym | M. Kontsevich | G. Moore | T. Bridgeland, III | I.-A. Coman |
17:00-17:30 (GMT) |
Questions/Break | Questions/Break | Questions/Break | Questions/Break | Questions/Break |
17:30-18:30 (GMT) |
T. Bridgeland, I | M. Mariño | F. Yan | S. Donaldson I | S. Donaldson II |
18:45-20:00 (GMT) |
Meal break | Meal break | Meal break | Meal break | Meal break |
20:00-21:00 (GMT) |
I. Smith | T. Bridgeland, II | Discussion, led by Maxim Kontsevich and Richard Thomas | Discussion on “complex hyperkähler manifolds”, led by Roger Bielawski | Discussion on “DT invariants and resurgence: Good questions for the future?”, led by Joerg Teschner |
21:00-21:30 (GMT) |
Questions/Discussion | Questions/Discussion | Discussion, con. | Discussion, con. | Discussion, con. |
Wednesday’s discussion:
Documents associated with Thursday’s discussion:
Documents associated with Friday’s discussion:
The links will take you to abstracts, slides of lectures, and/or video recordings of the lectures (when available).
- Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield), From Donaldson-Thomas invariants to complex hyperkahler structures (3 lectures)
- Ioana-Alexandra Coman (Amsterdam), Geometric description of topological string partition functions from quantum curves and integrability
- Simon Donaldson (SCGP and Imperial College London), Deformations of singular sets and Nash-Moser theory I, II
- Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, Paris), Analyticity and resurgence
- Marcos Mariño (Geneva), From resurgence to topological strings
- Greg Moore (Rutgers), Informal Remarks Complementary To, And Preparatory For,
Fei Yan’s Talk -
Andy Neitzke (Yale), Riemann-Hilbert problems, Hitchin systems and the conformal limit
Lecture cancelled - Brent Pym (McGill), Introduction to Stokes phenomena and resurgence
- Ivan Smith (Cambridge), Quadratic differentials as stability conditions
- Fei Yan (Rutgers), Line defects, UV-IR map and exact WKB
Special Holonomy and Branes (AIM workshop)
The collaboration co-sponsored a workshop with the American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) on Special Holonomy and Branes on October 26-30 2020. The workshop was organized by Sergei Gukov, Rafe Mazzeo, and Sakura Schafer-Nameki.
The workshop featured extensive discussions as well as lectures; we have preserved the lectures on this website. The entire conference was held online.
The lecture schedule was as follows. (All times are given in California time.)
08:00-09:30 (PDT) |
L. Anderson/ A. Braun |
L. Fredrickson/ D. Pei |
L. Foscolo | C. Lawrie | T. Walpuski |
12:30-14:00 (PDT) |
D. Morrison/ J. Lotay |
A. Haydys/ J. Sparks |
R. Barbosa |
The links will take you to abstracts, slides of lectures, and/or video recordings of the lectures (when available).
- Lara Anderson (Virginia Tech), Higgs Bundles in String Compactifications
- Rodrigo Barbosa (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook), Coassociative ALE Fibrations and Spectral Covers of Riemannian Higgs Bundles
- Andreas Braun (Durham University), Higgs Bundles & Exceptional Holonomy
- Lorenzo Foscolo (University College London), QALF hyperkähler spaces
- Laura Fredrickson (University of Oregon), Branes in the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, I
- Andriy Haydys (University of Freiburg), Special Kähler and related geometries
- Craig Lawrie (University of Pennsylvania), G2, Spin(7) BPS Equations and T-branes
- Jason D. Lotay (Oxford University), Special holonomy and branes: observations and themes
- David R. Morrison (UC Santa Barbara), Nonabelian Gauge Symmetry in String Theory and its Cousins, including an Introduction to Branes
- Du Pei (Harvard University), Branes in moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, II
- James Sparks (Oxford University), GK geometry
- Thomas Walpuski (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Problems with counting G2–instantons and associatives, and generalized Seiberg–Witten equations
Sun awarded 2021 New Horizons in Mathematics Prize
Collaboration Principal Investigator Song Sun (U. C. Berkeley) has been awarded a 2021 New Horizons in Mathematics prize. The other awardees are Bhargav Bhatt (University of Michigan) and Aleksandr Logunov (Princeton University).
Sun is being recognized “for many groundbreaking contributions to complex differential geometry, including existence results for Kahler-Einstein metrics and connections with moduli questions and singularities.”
Due to the global pandemic, the award ceremony has been postponed until March 2021.
Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2020, virtual meeting online, 14, 16, and 18 Sept., 2020
The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting on 14, 16, and 18 Sept., 2020, entitled “Special Holonomy: Progress and Open Problems 2020”.
Scientific Organizers:
Bobby Acharya bacharya@ictp.it,
Mirjam Cvetič cvetic@physics.upenn.edu, and
Jason Lotay jason.lotay@maths.ox.ac.uk.
Our schedule is as follows. – All times are given in British Summer Time as well as in Eastern Daylight Time. (Please refer to a time zone converter if you aren’t sure what time it will be in your time zone).
13:00-14:00 (BST) |
Y. Li | S. Donaldson | D. Joyce |
14:00-14:30 (BST) |
Discussion I | Discussion IV | Discussion VII |
14:30-15:00 (BST) |
Break | Break | Break |
15:00-15:30 (BST) |
M. Haskins/J. Nordström | K. Dixon | J. Lotay |
15:30-16:00 (BST) |
Discussion II | M. Cvetic/G. Zoccarato | R. Bryant |
16:00-16:30 (BST) |
Break | Discussion V | G. Ball |
16:30-17:00 (BST) |
B. Acharya | Break | Break |
17:00-17:30 (BST) |
Discussion III | T. Walpuski | D. Morrison |
17:30-18:00 (BST) |
Discussion III | Discussion VI | Discussion VIII |
18:00-18:30 (BST) |
Discussion VI | Discussion VIII |
Discussion Sessions:
- Discussion I: SYZ/Singular fibrations, led by Y. Li
- Discussion II: Singularities in G2-Laplacian flow, led by M. Haskins and J. Lotay
(with a contribution from Jason Lotay) - Discussion III: Constructions of G2-manifolds/Interfaces of Physics with Geometry, led by B. Acharya
- Discussion IV: Adiabatic coassociatives/counting associatives, led by S. Donaldson
- Discussion V: Physics of Spin(7)/G2 bundles, led by J. Heckman and M. Cvetič
- Discussion VI: Degenerations of G2-manifolds/Topology of G2-moduli space, led by S. Goette and T. Walpuski
- Discussion VII: Open problems on enumerative invariants/Codim>4 singularities in higher dim gauge theory, led by D. Joyce and T.Walpuski
- Discussion VIII: Open Problems in Special Holonomy from a Physics point of view, led by S. Schafer-Nameki
The links will take you to abstracts, slides of lectures, and/or video recordings of the lectures (when available).
- Bobby Acharya (ICTP and King’s College London), New G2-manifolds and Their Field Theory Interpretations
- Gavin Ball (UQAM-Montreal), Closed G2-structures with conformally flat metric
- Robert Bryant (Duke), The geometry of pseudoholomorphic curves in the 6-sphere
- Mirjam Cvetič (U. Penn) / Gianlucca Zoccarato (U. Penn), Unification of Higgs Bundles
- Kael Dixon (King’s College London), Toric ALC G2-manifolds
- Simon Donaldson (SCGP and Imperial College London), Towards enumerative geometry for structures on 4-manifolds
- Mark Haskins (Duke) / Johannes Nordström (Bath), Complete cohomogeneity one solitons for Bryant’s closed G2-Laplacian flow
- Dominic Joyce (Oxford), Enumerative invariants in Algebraic Geometry and wall crossing formulae
- Yang Li (IAS), Weak SYZ conjecture
- Jason Lotay (Oxford), Deformed G2-instantons
- David Morrison (UC Santa Barbara), Codimension seven revisited
- Thomas Walpuski (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), More examples of G_2–instantons on twisted connected sums
Moduli of special holonomy metrics and their periods: virtual meeting online, 1-5 June 2020
The collaboration will hold a VIRTUAL meeting June 1-5, 2020, on the general topic of Moduli of special holonomy metrics and their periods.
Scientific Organizers:
Mark Haskins mhaskins@math.duke.edu,
Jason Lotay jason.lotay@maths.ox.ac.uk,
David Morrison drm@math.ucsb.edu,
Simon Salamon simon.salamon@kcl.ac.uk.
The virtual meeting comes in two parts:
- Recorded lectures which can be viewed by participants at any time, and;
- “Live” lectures streamed via Zoom and YouTube, which can also be watched later. Our live sessions will also include some discussions, which may include discussions of both the live lectures and the recorded lectures. YouTube access for the lectures is available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEUBxKnFNbBApwGH0DJh4PlPmAio_Z_Jw
Our recorded lectures are as follows. The recorded lecture by Voisin is a pre-requisite to her subsequent live lecture, so the audience is encouraged to watch this lecture first.
- Roger Bielawski (Hannover), Twistor spaces and hyperkähler metrics
- Antoine Bourget (Imperial College), Hasse diagrams for Symplectic Singularities via Magnetic Quivers
- Justin Sawon (UNC Chapel Hill), Singular fibres of holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations
- Claire Voisin (Collège de France), Hodge theory and the topology of hyper-Kähler manifolds: an introduction
Our live schedule is as follows. – All times are given in British time, in honor of the originally planned venue for the meeting, as well as in Eastern Daylight Time. (Please refer to a time zone converter if you aren’t sure what time it will be in your time zone).
16:00-17:00 (England) |
Joyce | Neitzke | Voisin |
17:00-18:00 (England) |
Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion |
18:00-19:00 (England) |
Wisniewski | Saccà | Szendrői |
19:00-20:00 (England) |
Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion |
The links will take you to abstracts, slides of lectures, and/or video recordings of the lectures.
- Dominic Joyce (Oxford), Universal structures in enumerative invariant theories
- Jaroslaw Wisniewski (Warsaw), Quaternion-Kähler Manifolds via algebraic torus action on projective contact manifolds
- Andrew Neitzke (Yale), An update on hyperkahler metrics on moduli of Higgs bundles
- Giulia Saccà (Columbia), Hyperkahler manifolds are higher dimensional K3 surfaces
- Claire Voisin (Collège de France), Polarized variations of Hodge structures of hyper-Kähler type
- Balázs Szendrői (Oxford), Global aspects of Calabi-Yau moduli space
Donaldson awarded the 2020 Wolf Prize in Mathematics
Collaboration Principal Investigator Sir Simon Donaldson, as well as Stanford’s Yakov Eliashberg, have been awarded the 2020 Wolf Prize in Mathematics
Awarded since 1978, the Wolf Prize recognizes “outstanding scientists and artists from around the world … for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples.” Along with the Fields Medal and Abel Prize, it is considered the closest equivalent to a Nobel Prize in mathematics.
The prize presentation will take place at a special ceremony at the Knesset (Israel´s Parliament) in Jerusalem on June 11, 2020.
Geometry and Analysis of Moduli Spaces, Imperial College, 6-10 January 2020
Arrival Date: Sunday January 5, 2020. Departure Date: Saturday January 11, 2020.
All talks will be at Huxley Bldg 140. [ click for map ]
Registration and coffee/tea are in the Huxley 5th floor common room.
Scientific Organizers: Dominic Joyce joyce@maths.ox.ac.uk, Aleksander Doan doan@math.columbia.edu.
FRI 10 JAN |
9:00 -9:30 |
9:30-10:30 |
Joyce | Donaldson 2 | Doan | Georgieva | Li 2 |
10:30-11:00 |
Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee |
11:30-12:30 |
Thomas | Sun | Riviere | Ionel | He |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
14:00-15:00 |
Pantev 1 | Pantev 2 | Maulik | Haydys | |
15:00-15:30 |
Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | Coffee | |
15:30-16:30 |
Donaldson 1 | Safronov | Li 1 | Shende | |
16:30-17:00 |
Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | Q&A / Discussion | |
19:00-21:00 |
Social Dinner |
Speakers (click on title to see abstract and lecture slides):
- Aleksander Doan (Columbia and Cambridge), On complexification and categorification
- Sir Simon Donaldson (Simons Center, Stony Brook and Imperial College London), Gauge theory and special holonomy I,II
- Penka Georgieva (Jussieu), Real Gromov-Witten theory
- Andriy Haydys (Freiburg), On the blow up set for the Seiberg-Witten equations with two spinors
- Siqi He (Simons Center, Stony Brook), The counting problem of the Kapustin-Witten equations
- Eleny Ionel (Stanford), Counting embedded curves in 3-folds
- Dominic Joyce (Oxford), Shifted symplectic Derived Algebraic Geometry for dummies
- Yang Li (Institute for Advanced Study), Informal talk:
- Yang Li (Institute for Advanced Study), High codimension phenomena for Hermitian Yang-Mills connections
- Davesh Maulik (MIT), Stable pair invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds
- Tony Pantev (University of Pennsylvania), Constructing shifted symplectic structures
- Tristan Rivière (ETH, Zürich), Lp-bounded curvatures in high dimensions
- Pavel Safronov (Universität Zürich), Enumerative invariants from supersymmetric twists
- Vivek Shende (UC Berkeley), Skeins on Branes
- Song Sun (UC Berkeley), Singular Hermitian-Yang-Mills connections and reflexive sheaves
- Richard Thomas (Imperial College London), Borisov-Joyce in algebraic geometry
The workshop will have two main themes:
(A) The Donaldson-Segal programme for defining enumerative invariants of compact G2-manifolds by counting G2 instantons, with correction terms from associative 3-folds. Analysis of G2-instanton moduli spaces, singularities of G2-instantons. Analysis of Seiberg-Witten type equations on 3-manifolds used to define correction terms in Donaldson-Segal programme. Related gauge theory problems, including singularities of Hermitian-Yang Mills connections.
(B) The Pantev-Toën-Vaquié-Vezzosi theory of shifted symplectic derived algebraic geometry, giving geometric structures on Calabi-Yau moduli spaces, and its applications to generalizations of Donaldson-Thomas theory of Calabi-Yau 3- and 4-folds. One particular aim is to present the theory in a way accessible to String Theorists, to encourage communication between mathematicians and physicists on this subject, and to facilitate interpretation of the implications of the theory in String Theory terms. Algebro-geometric enumerative invariants (and Floer theories, etc), particularly of Calabi-Yau manifolds, related to the PTVV theory: Donaldson-Thomas, Gromov-Witten, and Vafa-Witten invariants, Donaldson-Thomas type invariants of Calabi-Yau 4-folds, the Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture.
Attendance at the workshop is by invitation only (except for London locals). Non-invitees wishing to attend may contact the organizers, but are likely to be disappointed, as we are already inviting as many as the lecture theatre will comfortably hold, so we can only include others if we have refusals.
Progress and Open Problems 2019: September 8-11, 2019, SCGP, Stony Brook
Arrival date: Saturday, September 7.
Departure date: Wednesday afternoon, September 11, or Thursday, September 12.
WED 11 SEP |
8:30 -9:30 |
Breakfast | Breakfast | Breakfast | Breakfast |
9:30-10:30 |
B. Lawson | A. Hanany | C. Hull | C. Vafa |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee/tea | Coffee/tea | Coffee/tea | Coffee/tea |
11:00-12:00 |
M. Larfors | R. Conlon | G. Ball | A. Klemm |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch |
13:00-14:00 |
D. Morrison (SCGP Weekly Talk) | |||
13:30 |
Leave for NYC (from hotel) | |||
14:00-15:00 |
S.-T. Yau | N. Fornasin | ||
15:30-16:00 |
Tea | Tea | Tea | |
16:00-17:00 |
A. Waldron | B. Willett | A. Moroianu | |
18:00-20:00 |
Conference Banquet |
- Gavin Ball (Duke University), Quadratic closed G2-structures
- Ronan Conlon (Florida International University), Classification results for expanding and shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons
- Nelvis Fornasin (University of Freiburg), The eta invariant under cone-edge degeneration
- Amihay Hanany (Imperial College London), Hasse diagrams for symplectic singularities
- Chris Hull (Imperial College London), Special Holonomy Metrics, Degenerate Limits and Intersecting Branes
- Albrecht Klemm (University of Bonn), CY 3-folds over finite fields, Black hole attractors, and D-brane masses
- Magdalena Larfors (Uppsala University), Heterotic string theory and G2 structure manifolds
- Blaine Lawson (Stony Brook University), Pseudo-Convexity for the Special Lagrangian Potential Equation
- Andrei Moroianu (CNRS), Toric nearly Kähler 6-manifolds
- David R. Morrison (UC Santa Barbara), Nonaelian gauge symmetry and charged chiral matter in G_2 compactifications
- Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University), G2 Structure and Physical Interpretation of Taubes Construction of SW Invariants
- Alex Waldron (Michigan State University), G2-instantons on the 7-sphere
- Brian Willett (UC Santa Barbara), Global aspects of the 3d-3d correspondence
- Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University), String duality and G2 manifolds
This conference will be immediately followed by our Third annual meeting held at the Simons Foundation in New York City.