GPSC Resources
The GPSC sponsors several resources MPP students can take advantage of. These include:
- A Community Food Pantry at 306 Alexander Avenue that provides nonperishable foods, child care items, school supplies , and gently used professional clothing to students in need. A valid graduate or professional Duke student ID is required for entry.
- A funding opportunity for student group events and activities.
- A free Lawyer Assistance Program (available virtually) that provides legal counsel, risk reduction, and mitigation of legal charges services.
- An Emergency Travel Fund that can help offset emergency costs that require travel.
- A space for student group events at the GPSG House that includes a living area, kitchen, conference room, meeting rooms, and outdoor yard.
- An Ombudsperson through the University who can offer neutral and confidential guidance. This is a good resource if you have a problem and don’t know where to start.
Check out the GPSC Website or contact your GPSC representatives for even more resources and information.
GPSC Meetings
The Sanford MPP program has two representatives on Duke’s Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC) General Assembly (GA). The GPSC GA meets bi-weekly to discuss issues affecting students and to support a healthy and productive environment.
In the 2020-2021 school year, the GPSC GA passed resolutions:
- Supporting the addition of dental insurance to the Duke Student Medical Insurance Plan.
- Supporting the removal of the GRE as a mandatory admission element for all Duke University graduate programs.
- Supporting the ban of single use plastic at GPSG events.
- Supporting workplace free from harassment and discrimination policies.
GPSC Updates
Below please see the most recent GPSG meeting and activity updates:
- Next meeting: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 6:30 PM (please email if you are interested in attending).
- Upcoming Resolutions:
- Resolution in Support of Mandatory Anti-Racism Curriculum for Students, Faculty, and Staff
- Resolution Supporting the Strengthening and Development of Support Structures for International Students
- Resolution Supporting Pay Equity at Duke University
See the GPSC Website or contact your GPSC representatives with any questions about the GPSC GA meetings.