SALUD SESSION 2: 1/26/19 College Admissions and Financial Aid

Yesterday was session 2 of SALUD! It was very education-focused: students gained skills in breaking down and critically analyzing scholarly literature, were inspired by incredible people that shared their stories and strengths, (thanks Santiago, Eliana, Samantha, Carmen, Emily, and Rafeal!!!) and learned valuable information about college admissions and financial aid, thanks to the fantastic College Advising Corps (Patrick Cardel, Michael Choi, Girija Mahajan). We also had 20 parents show up for a special Spanish-only workshop, led by Lina Palancares! So great to see everyone’s efforts at making sure our students and their families are better prepared for the crazy college application process. We have a total of 3 sessions dedicated to education because the link between education and mortality are clear. Here’s a good start to learn more about why education should be considered a population health issue:…/cur…/population-health/zimmerman.html

Excited to start the health disparities portion of the curriculum. The next two sessions will focus on nutrition, food insecurity, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular health, with presentations by Julian Xie from Root Causes

Alex Villeda

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