Dear Friends,

Please excuse the long silence. We look forward to reconvening, kicking off this weekend at 11amET on January 14.  We will be using Zoom, though will keep an eye out for those following along and posting via the #ReadingTheStone hashtag on Twitter or Mastodon.  This Saturday’s conversation will be an open-for-all and a reset – theoretically we are all read up to Chapter 80, but feel free to bring any comments and questions and insights whereever you might be in your reading of The Stone.

Our next chat will take place on  the morning of New Year’s Eve,  11am 1/21/23, and we’ll be shifting to a 5-chapter-a-week pace.

Until Saturday!

Waiyee, Ann, Eileen

A tentative reading group schedule for this spring:

1/14 A return to #ReadingTheStone: wrapping up the first 80 chapters, and looking forward to the last 40

1/21 Chapters 81-85

1/28 Chapters 86-90

2/4   Chapters 91-95

2/11 Chapters 96-100

2/18 Chapters 101-105

2/25 Chapters 106-110

3 /4  Chapters 111-115

3/11 Chapters 116-120 Our grand finale!

3/18*  Ann, Waiyee, and I will all be taking part in an AAS panel in Boston, convened by Paola Zamperini and I-Hsien Wu, and also with Canaan Morse .

The topic? The Story of the Stone: Afterlives, Legacies, and Reinventions.

If you will be attending AAS this spring, please do join us! I’m not sure that I am allowed to livestream our panel for non-conference attendees, but I will figure something out.

We’d also like to invite everyone who has taken part in #ReadingTheStone to a meet-up that weekend! Details to come.

Topic: #ReadingTheStone Saturday Chat
Time: Jan 14, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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