Improving MVP: Week 6

This week, we spoke to 13 beneficiaries to further improve our MVP prototype. In a short span of time, we received an overwhelming amount of support and willingness to help. We had developed a telemedicine communication prototype app and through our interview this week, we demonstrated to our beneficiaries its usability.

As we walked our beneficiaries through the prototype, each of our beneficiaries recommended different suggestions and potential additions or adjustments that would allow more widespread utilization among the military. We are excited for our next iteration of the app, as we move forward with our MVP.

Thank you to all our beneficiaries’ support. We won’t let you down,

Team 3

Alex Wilson: Former 18D; current Fuqua student
– Ability to add pre-sets of missions to make pre-mission data entry easier
– Group drugs by class
– Drugs are carried in a baggie. It may be possible to barcode the baggies for better tracking when using it

Brian Smedick: 4BN 3SFG Surgeon
– References that can be included: Downloadable Medscape, Ranger Medical Book
– Different equipment bags for different missions depending on the 18D, it would be helpful to have frequent bags available
– Past medical history isn’t important, since deployments mandate health. Most important is blood type and allergies

Doug Powell: Former 4BN 3SFG Surgeon; current Staff Intensivist, First Health Physicians Group
– Include blood titers and possible walking blood matches
– If there’s a way to share the equipment lists, so 18D can collaborate
– Videos can be references, don’t need to be really high quality to save on space
– Advisor coordinator can relay to the physicians

JA (name withheld): Former 18D; current anesthesia resident, Duke University Medical Center
– Focus on scenarios to work
– Best way to improve app is to have folks spend time to thumbing through the app

Kevin Iskra: Former 18D; current SOF PA
– Need a home button
– Drugs often have more than one names. It would be important to have all of them available
– Resources:, Ventilators Use Instructions, Emergency Medicine Handbook
– Handwriting the TCCC card is faster. An option to upload the physical copy would be great

MF (name withheld): 18D; current SFSC Instructor, SWTG
– Class VIII instead of tools, Stop Gaps for big ticket items
– Main types of problems: dermatologic, infectious, pain killer,  GI, allergies
– Information that would be helpful with drugs: DD Form 2062 (hand receipt in the Army), Location of drugs (like a safe, or in a different truck, ruck, or person carrying)

PL (name withheld): 18D;  SOMA PFC Working Group member
– A scan and “drop into app” function would be nice
– References: SOFMed Handbook, Ranger Medic, Tactical Medical Protocol (buy it through SOMA), Nursing Sanford Guide
Dermatology guide
– Equipment and serial numbers (nightvision, weapons, etc.)

JR (name withheld): 18D
– Auto populate excel forms into app (i.e. weapons, gear, inventory, etc.)
– As you give/ administer your drugs, app should subtract it
– Near field comms/ barcode would be cool to track

Roger Dail: Former 18D;  CEO & Founder – Ragged Edge Solutions
– Have team list in notes area, e.g. battle roster
– Test BATDOK app
– Must track narcotics

Sean Keenan: Former SF Battalion, Group, and Theater Surgeon;  pre-hospital care SME
– Quantity and type of tools–forces folks to take inventory of what they have. It will be tough to keep folks updating it.
– Barcode scanner is being used right now for organizing medications. Try incorporating a scanner on our function.
– Biggest problem we have is accurately recording data, especially accurate resupplies
– Templates: reference PFC card; patient assessment card from; follow the telemedicine format that is on the ADVISOR transcript

Russell Dallas: 18D
– Time-stamp would be ideal
– Automatic transfer of updates to the hospital would be great, especially if it can help doctors keep track of the team
– Doctors need a way to be alerted, and a way to communicate back in a convenient way

Bobby Collins: 18D
– Provided more resources: Class XIII, Drug lists, 9-line, ZMIST , etc
– There is generally a medical packing list and a surgical packing list

Matt McGuire: Software Architect & Developer, Protectwise, Inc.
– App development is difficult and often require minimum 6 month to 1 year of work
– Amazon web services could be a great way to store data for backend usage. They have apps on AWS that can be used in apps. Downside might be that they have to use constant internet connection


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