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    Jane Harwell, doctoral student in English, Duke: eighteenth-century literature, women’s writing, researcher for A Prosopography of English Literary Writers, 1480-1680. Contact: jane.harwell@duke.edu

    Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Universität Erfurt: Project coordinator, Natural Law 1625-1850 and VIA – Virtual Itineraries of Academics. Contact: mikkel.jensen@uni-erfurt.de

    Jakob Norberg, German, Duke: A prosopographic analysis of German political thought, 1740-1850, in progress. Contact: jakob.norberg@duke.edu

    Nigel Smith, English, Princeton University: Polyglot Poetics; European literary, religious and cultural transmission, especially in the North Atlantic region. Contact: nsmith@princeton.edu

    Andrej Svorenčík, History of economics, University of Mannheim/Duke: census of first edition copies/owners of Newton’s Principia (in progress), history of economics in the 20th century through the lens of prosopography (various projects in progress) Contact: andrej.svorencik@duke.edu

    Christopher Warren, English, Carnegie Mellon: co-founder Six Degrees of Francis Bacon; early modern network analysis, legal thought, and digital humanities. Contact: cnwarren@andrew.cmu.edu

    Saundra Weddle, Architecture, Drury University: early-modern Venice; current project: The Everyday Spatial Practices of Women in Early Modern Venice. Contact: sweddle@drury.edu

    Julianne Werlin, English, Duke: English Authors, 1500-1700: A Demographic History; in progress, a prosopographic study of 600 early modern literary writers. Contact: julianne.werlin@duke.edu




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