Duke OutLaw mourns the murder of George Floyd, as well as Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade and many others. We stand with their loved ones, our Black members and peers at Duke Law, and the protesters who continue to fight against white supremacy and police violence. It is our responsibility to dismantle systems that devalue Black lives and their stories, especially within the LGBTQ community.
As we mark the first day of Pride Month, we must remember that Pride started not as a parade but rather as a protest led by Black transgender women, drag queens, and sex workers against police violence. Queer liberation would not be possible if not for the action and courage of Black activists who, to this very day, continue to face discrimination, injustice, and police brutality rooted in white supremacy.
Pride may look different this year, but its spirit of resistance is more salient than ever. While there will be no festivals or parades, there is still plenty of work to be done. Let us celebrate Pride Month by amplifying Black voices in our community and disrupting the systems attempting to silence them.
We ask that all of OutLaw’s members consider donating to the following organizations:
Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative
NC Community Bail Fund of Durham
Black Visions Collective
There can be no Pride for any of us without justice for all of us. Black Lives Matter.
To learn more about anti-racism and working to dismantle white supremacy, please consider the following resources:
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