We are pleased to announce that former Duke faculty member and trainee, Dr. John M. Harrelson (T’60, MD’65, HS’69-’73), a professor of orthopedic surgery and associate professor of pathology, was inducted into Emeritus status at Duke University Medical Center. Please enjoy the video above and photos of Emeritus faculty below.
Congratulations on your induction as a Duke Emeritus Faculty. I really enjoyed the short video in which you are the typical John Harrelson we all Know and love – you are overly modest for a gentleman who has contributed so much to Duke, Duke Orthopaedic Surgery, Duke Medical School, and your many friends and colleagues. Don’t forget to get your emeritus parking pass. We love you Man, Jim Urbaniak
What a great tribute to a great individual. John had a profound impact on my Orthopaedic education at Duke. I’m delighted to see that you are enjoying your post-Duke life! Congratulations.
My husband had just died and I, with my tumor, wanted to die also. You persuaded me to live “a few more years”. I have lived twenty two years since your surgery in 1995. Family weddings, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, art awards, books and new friends! Thank you for those wonderful years.
Congratulations on your induction as an Emeritus Duke Faculty.You are a great role model for academic surgeons. It has been a pleasure seeing your progression from medical student to Emeritus Professor. Wishing you many more productive and happy years.
How nice to see you have not changed. You were my most favorite Professor.
Glad to see you are doing well.
All the best.
I just watched the video and it brought back wonderful memories. You were always one of my favorite people from the Duke community. It is interesting how, even in retirement, our interests dove-tail. I still do bonsai trees and am writing a book on regional characteristics of a special type of powder horns- those done by turners. The artistry of the early handcraftsmen always amazed me. It was good to be brought up to date. I have always considered it a pleasure and a privilege to have known and worked with you.
Congratulations John. Watching this video brought back a flood of memories from my time at Duke, particularly those years as an orthopedic resident and some time as my chief. I recognized your skill and talents then and hoped some of them rubbed off on me. I wish you continued success in your current and future endeavors and I wish you continued good health and happiness.
Phil Keats ’75
Congratulations John. You were an inspiration to a life of orthopedic oncology. Many thanks for inspiring me on this incredible adventure, rich with personal reward.
Congratulations, John. As a Hand Fellow, it was a priceless for me to work with you and your Saturday morning surgeries. You oozed confidence and therefore gave me confidence. Later, I referred patients to you knowing they would get the best of care from a real gentleman. Your contributions as a pioneer on orthopedic oncology will be remembered and never duplicated.
John, I just now saw the wonderful video summarizing your career at Duke. You were always special because of your relaxed and cogent opinion on important matters whether they were related to orthopedics or just the world in general. But they did leave out one important honor. You were the Honored Guest at the 1999 Piedmont Orthopedic Meeting at Sea Island that John Shaffer and I hosted. I remember you and Lynn well on that happy occasion. If you ever get over towards Winston-Salem I would enjoy showing you around my garden and farm where my chickens and sheep live and thrive by sustainable agricultural principals that I use.