Dedication and Grand Opening of the James R. Urbaniak, MD, Sports Sciences Institute

On Friday, June 10, 2016, members of the Duke University community gathered for a dedication and Grand Opening ceremony for the James R. Urbaniak, MD, Sports Sciences Institute. Keynote speakers included Executive Director of the Institute, Dr. Claude T. Moorman, III; Duke University President, Richard Brodhead; Duke Men’s Basketball and Olympic Coach, Mike Krzyzewski; Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University, President and CEO, DUHS, Dr. A. Eugene Washington; Dr. James R. Urbaniak; and the generous donors who made the institute possible, Dr. & Mrs. Steven and Rebecca Scott.

The Institute is the first of its kind, bringing together research (Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Laboratory (K-Lab)), Primary Care and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Sports Cardiology, Sports Medicine Rehabilitation, Sports Neurology and Concussion, Sports Performance, and Sports Eye Care and Injury Prevention and Vision Improvement.

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One thought on “Dedication and Grand Opening of the James R. Urbaniak, MD, Sports Sciences Institute

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