On Friday, June 10, 2016, members of the Duke University community gathered for a dedication and Grand Opening ceremony for the James R. Urbaniak, MD, Sports Sciences Institute. Keynote speakers included Executive Director of the Institute, Dr. Claude T. Moorman, III; Duke University President, Richard Brodhead; Duke Men’s Basketball and Olympic Coach, Mike Krzyzewski; Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University, President and CEO, DUHS, Dr. A. Eugene Washington; Dr. James R. Urbaniak; and the generous donors who made the institute possible, Dr. & Mrs. Steven and Rebecca Scott.
The Institute is the first of its kind, bringing together research (Michael W. Krzyzewski Human Performance Laboratory (K-Lab)), Primary Care and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Sports Cardiology, Sports Medicine Rehabilitation, Sports Neurology and Concussion, Sports Performance, and Sports Eye Care and Injury Prevention and Vision Improvement.
Congratulations Jim (ole 82, 6 toes) on the dedication of Sports Clinic accomplishment at Duke. Another UK, Class of 58, teammate had a field named and dedicated to him in Vero Beach, Florida a view years back (ole 51). Remember him? See attached: https://www.fhsaa.org/departments/special-programs/hall-of-fame/members/billy-livings and/or
Note: Billy’s Wife, Rosie in picture which you knew. I’m stay in contact with her and Woody’s Herzog’s (ole 26) widowed wife Lois on a regular Email & Facebook basis. They would love to hear from you, as well. contact me via Email (used for this reply) and I’ll give you their Email addresses.