We would like to invite you to attend the 5th Annual CME Extremity course to be held at the Greenbrier Medical Institute/ Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. There will be simultaneous foot/ankle and upper extremity sessions with a common exhibit hall on June 4, 2016. A fellows meeting will occur on the afternoon of June 3rd. Presentations include faculty from Wake Forest School of Medicine, Duke University, University of Virginia, Ortho Carolinas, UPMC Hamot, The Hand Center of Greensboro, Northwestern University-Consultant in Hand Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, West Virginia University, Blue Ridge Bone & Joint, High Point Orthopaedics, and the Philadelphia Hand Center.
A block of Intermediate rooms have been reserved for $309.00 per room, per night, single or double occupancy. An additional $50.00 per night will apply to each third and fourth adult occupant in the room. Please call the Greenbrier directly at 877-631-0173 and ask to speak to our Group Reservationist,
Erin Kirby to make your room reservations – HOUSING DEADLINE IS MAY 6, 2016.
For further information, please contact Mary Lee Rippey at mlrippey@wakehealth.edu or 336-716-2878.