Durham, N.C– Sarcoma is a very rare form of cancer with only about 10,000 cases reported in the US every year. However it is still a gruelling process to battle this unusual type of cancer involving, surgery, chemotherapy, and other various treatments lasting over a year, all to beat this disease. This year two wonderful women put on the 6th annual Strike Out for Sarcoma race and family fun run. Amy Tingen and Sherry Malthouse-Dufore have helped put together this charitable event that this year alone, raised $45,575 and that number is still growing. Over 350 people, runners, and volunteers came out for the even this June 13 and many more came to watch the race, and came for the silent auction or dunk tank. Durham Athletic Park hosted the event with special guests such as Wool E. Bull
Former patients, and current patients alike spoke and shared their tales of how Duke Medicine assisted them, and how amazing it was that events like this could be held to help other patients in need of care. Doctor David Kirsch had some opening remarks to start the day off, and the day concluded with the winners of the race, and the presentation of the check. Below we have a list of the sponsors, and a gallery with images of the winners.
- During the 5k
- Dr. Ben Alman and the winner iof the race.
- Dunk Tank with Doctors
- Dunk Tank with Doctors
- Wool E. Bull gathers with the kids before the fun run
- Kid 100 yard dash
- Kid 100 yard dash
- Workers and Volunteers gather.
The winners of the race include
1st Cameron Ledford
2nd Mikelis Visgauss
3rd Dustin Strickland
1st Katrina Pibl
2nd Kendall Bradley
3rd Stephanie Brewer