Duke Comparative Oncology Group is hosting the WSAVA Annual One Health Conference on June 9, 2014 at 8:00am.

The Duke Comparative Oncology Group welcomes Dr. Michael J. Day,BSc BVMS(Hons) PhD DSc DiplECVP FASM FRCPath FRCVS, key speaker presenting: Cats, Dogs, and Humans: One Medicine and One Health.

Dr. Michael J. Day, M.D.  Dr. Day is a professor of veterinary pathology at the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol in the UK, and he is the chair of the WSAVA One Health Committee.

Dr. Michael J. Day, BSc BVMS(Hons) PhD DSc DiplECVP FASM FRCPath FRCVS
Dr. Day is a professor of veterinary pathology at the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol in the UK, and he is the chair of the
WSAVA One Health Committee.

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