Arthritis Foundation – Jingle Bell Run Fundraiser

Dear Friends of Duke Orthopaedics,logo280px

Every year research labs have organized a team of runners entering the “Jingle Bell Run/Walk”, a 1K or 5K race benefiting the Arthritis Foundation. We are indebted to the Arthritis Foundation for everything they do for advocacy and research, especially having supported Duke Orthopaedics with numerous research and fellowship grants in the past few years (now totalling well over $1 million), so we would like to do our part in fund raising for them.

The race is this Saturday in downtown Raleigh. If you would like to enter, please go to the website below and register as part of our team.

With the support of the Department, Duke Orthopaedics was the #1 fundraiser for this race last year, and the team also won the best costume contest. We would like to repeat again this year and we are in a close second place right now. Please consider a contribution to the Arthritis Foundation in the name of Duke Orthopaedics – team name “Duke Orthopaedics ARRR-thritis Buccaneers”.

To donate, go to: and click on “General Team Donation” or support any team member – any amount is appreciated.

Farsh Guilak

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