General Guidelines
- All submissions should be related to oceans or global marine issues.
- Work with students, researchers, alumni or professors in the Duke community are all welcome.
- Submissions may be previously prepared works, such as abstracts from published papers or assignments done for class.
- Multiple submissions are permitted.
Guidelines for Written Works
- Written submissions must be 500 words or less.
- All types of work are welcome, including short research articles, OpEds or brief essays.
- Please ensure your work has been thoroughly edited for typos.
- File formats for submission should be .doc, .docx or .txt only.
- If citations are necessary for the article, please no more than 5 distinct sources formatted as footnotes.
- Photos or visual aids to accompany your submission are welcomed. Please see visual submission guidelines below for file type and resolution requirements.
Guidelines for Visual Works
- Visual submissions can be photographs or other forms of artwork.
- File formats for submission should be .jpeg only.
- Work must have a minimum resolution of 72 dpi but 300 dpi is strongly preferred.
- The author will be credited appropriately, however, please do not use a watermark on images.
- Please include a brief caption to accompany your submission.
Submission Instructions
- All submissions should be emailed to by the submission deadline. The Publication Submission Consent Form should be attached to your email along with your submission.