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2020-21 OneDuke Together Lunch & Learns

November 2020 – April 2021

The One Duke Conference is an annual conference where the career services professionals from across Duke University gather for a day of professional development and networking. While we are very disappointed that the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented us from organizing our annual Conferences in 2020 and 2021, the Career Centers have proposed an alternative format that will enable us all to convene and share virtually.

Beginning in November and running for six months, the committee will host a Lunch & Learn monthly event series. Each school/center has selected a month to lead/facilitate a topic chosen specifically with Duke career staff interests in mind.


November 2020

More Story Than Time: Writing & Reflection, A Chance to Catch Up with Ourselves
Laurie Kovens   Recording

Author Flannery O’Connor once said, “I write to discover what I know.” 

In a time of change and uncertainty, writing can help us discover what we know. Studies have demonstrated that writing can decrease stress, improve chronic pain, and process trauma. Even in “regular life,” the busyness and the demands we respond to keep us from slowing down, catching our breaths. We feel individually and communally depleted. And now, many are experiencing the added stress, grief, and pressures of the pandemic. 

December 2020

The Enneagram: What is it?
Karen Stone & Tara Carty  Recording

Join OneDuke colleagues to discover the Enneagram, a framework for learning more about and understanding both ourselves and others, based on nine types of personality. The Enneagram can also be used as a tool to aid in navigating team interaction as well as workplace dynamics. It has ancient roots and was further developed by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo in the 20th century. Completing the Enneagram assessment here is recommended prior to attending, although not required. 

January 2021

Forbes Article Discussion: Career Services will Define the Next Big Boom in College Enrollment
Brandon Busteed — Recording

Join us for a lively talk with a Duke alum and higher education powerhouse, Brandon Busteed. His December Forbes article proposes that career services will define the next big boom in college enrollment, so we invited him to a chat with our OneDuke careers group about the topic. He’s looking forward to hearing what we think!

February 2021

Introducing Duke Career Center’s Career Development Process
Meredith McCook — Recording

Please join us for an overview of the newly created Duke Career Center’s Career Development Process. With the goal to build a process for use across the Career Center, for all students, campus partners and stakeholders, this model seeks to address the iterative, life-long learning process of the career development journey.

March 2021

Vault Fireside Chat
Dave Solloway & Derek Loosvelt — Recording

Are you curious about writing and sharing your career insights as a form of professional development? If so, join us for a fireside chat about experiences writing and publishing career management insights.

Vault Career Insider writer/editor, Derek Loosvelt, and Assistant Director for Daytime MBA Career Services, Dave Solloway, will host an informal discussion about their experiences working together on Vault’s guides for the International MBA Job Search, Behavioral Interviewing, and MBAs and B-school Grads. As a part of that discussion, you will hear Dave and Derek’s approaches to writing as well as some of the ideas they were most excited to publish. Derek will also share how to start publishing your insights through organizations like Vault.

April 2021

Resiliency Training: Creating a Path to YOUR Optimal Well-Being
Dina Lumia — Recording

In this workshop, we will explore the different components of health & well-being to identify what is most important to you. You will create your wellness vision and establish three month S.M.A.R.T goals, which will serve as your steppingstones to reach YOUR vision. I invite you to review the Personal Health Plan and complete as much, or as little, as you would like. If you do complete any of the form, please bring this along with you to the session.


Cameo Hartz
Pratt School of Engineering

Catherine Allen
Duke Career Center

Deanna Knighton
Nicholas School of the Environment

Lauren Sloan
Duke Law

Marion Pratt
Sanford School of Public Policy

Rachel Frank
Fuqua School of Business