
January 20, 2019

Dr. Nixon was invited to give an on-line presentation during GI ASCO meeting.  Detailed information can be found at


September 19, 2018

Dr. Nixon was invited to give a webinar on the topic of disrupting drug development with digital biomarkers and the power of precision health. Detailed information can be found at


March 25, 2017

To raise community awareness and funds for colorectal cancer research at the Duke Cancer Institute, the GI Oncology Program is organizing the annual Duke Crush Colorectal Cancer 5K Run/Walk.  Colorectal cancer remains an important public health concern, and GI Oncology Program is actively engaged in basic science, clinical research that focuses on all aspects of this disease from prevention and early detection to innovative treatment and survivorship.  Duke Phase I Biomrker Laboratory is committed to caring for patients need and raising public awareness of the importance of participation in clinical trials to evaluate novel therapeutic agents.



March 22, 2016

Dr. Nixon was invited to give a webinar on the topic of isolating circulating tumor DNA from archived plasma samples for downstream digital droplet PCR and next generation sequencing approaches.  Detailed information could be found at