Dr. Emile Gleeson: We had one single lecture in the whole — we had 18 months of lecture-based classes and we had one single lecture on contraception and abortion. And abortion was one slide in that lecture that was basically like “It exists”. So we really didn’t have a lot of actual instruction on it. So I was actually a part of Medical Students For Choice when I was there. We filled that gap for ourselves by working with some of the OB attendings at Baylor that did perform abortions and we led workshops for other students to come to, to learn more about contraception and abortion and, it was actually very obvious that there was a gap in information because we worked with the Med Students for Life group. And we had to approve each other’s events to keep it so that there wasn’t a lot of conflict. They were trying to have an event where they wanted to show a documentary that talked about how abortion causes breast cancer and most women regret their abortions. And things that are factually not true. But these people were medical students at a good medical school who legitimately believed that these things were true and they had never been taught anything to the contrary in our medical school curriculum. Because it just wasn’t addressed. Obviously we addressed that for them, but you could easily have gone through medical school in Texas with no knowledge about abortion and contraception essentially.