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Yearly Archives: 2021
MorphoSource referenced in 400 citations in 2021, increasing all-time total to nearly 1300
According to Google Scholar, MorphoSource was discussed or referenced 400+ times across the year 2021. This is a new yearly record for the repository, and increases our all-time number of citations to almost 1,300. Thank you very much to all of the data contributors and downloaders who have made this happen by finding MorphoSource a useful resource for their research and other scholarly efforts!
MorphoSource Team at Reduced Capacity for End of Year Holidays, Dec. 20-31
The MorphoSource team will be operating at reduced capacity over the upcoming end of year holiday period, from Monday, December 20th through Friday, December 31.
MorphoSource Team at Reduced Capacity for US Holiday Weekend, Nov. 25-28
The MorphoSource team will be operating at reduced capacity over the upcoming US holiday weekend, from Thursday, November 25th through Sunday, November 28th.
Update: Daily Server Restart at 4AM US eastern time
For the foreseeable future, we will be running a schedule where the MorphoSource server will restart for very brief maintenance at 4AM US eastern time daily. This should not pose an issue to normal site usage. If you experience a download interruption related to this, remember that downloads can be resumed with no loss of progress due to interruption. If you are a data contributor uploading very large data files that take more than 24 continuous hours to upload, you could also consider taking advantage of our cloud upload features, where you can upload files directly from Box, Dropbox, or Google Drive.
New Feature: Resumable Downloads!
Downloads of media from MorphoSource are now resumable! If you experience a network interruption while downloading media, you can resume your download using most major browsers like Chrome (which we tend to recommend users use with MorphoSource). Additionally, you can use a third-party download manager to improve download stability even further.
New Feature: News and Updates Section on Front Page
In an effort to better communicate with our user community, we have added a feature to the MorphoSource front page where you will see a list of recent updates from the admin team. These may introduce new features to the repository, share important information relating to server downtime, or notify users of tutorial or educational resources.