How long does the program run?
The program runs from October 2024 – May 2025.

How many mentees will you accept for the program?

Our plan is to select ~15 mentees for the program. Our goal is to have pods where there is one mentor and two mentees.

How often are we expected to meet?
Ideally, mentors and mentees should plan to meet at least once a month. These relationships should continue, on an informal basis, after the program ends.

Will we meet in person or virtually?
Both options are possible and we encourage mentors and mentees to decide what works best for you. Most mentees prefer a hybrid schedule.

What if I want to improve a specific technical skill set, such as photography or video. Will a mentor be able to help?
Although your mentor may share how he/she/they gained experience working in a particular area, we envision the mentoring program complementing rather than replacing existing resources to improve technical skills. The Duke Communicators Network has working groups devoted to technical skill building in areas including social media, video, photography, and audio.