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Using Professional Development to Achieve Career Growth

Professional development refers to the ongoing learning and training opportunities that one pursues to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities in their chosen profession. Investing in professional development can have numerous benefits for career growth, including:

1. Career Advancement. By improving your skills and knowledge, you become more valuable to your manager and team and are better positioned to take on more challenging and rewarding roles.

2. Increased Earning Potential. As you acquire new skills and knowledge, you may be able to command higher salaries or qualify for promotions that come with increased pay and benefits.

3. Enhanced Job Satisfaction. When you feel like you are continuously learning and growing in your career, you are more likely to feel fulfilled and satisfied with your work.

4. Networking Opportunities. By attending conferences, workshops, and training sessions, you can connect with others who share your interests and goals and may be able to provide valuable advice and support.

5. Keeping Up with Industry Changes. The world is constantly changing, and industries are no exception. By staying up to date, you can remain competitive and relevant in your field.

6. Building a Professional Reputation. By demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and gain the respect of colleagues and leaders.

7. Personal Growth. By stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to learn new things, you can build confidence, develop new perspectives, and gain a greater sense of fulfillment in life.

In conclusion, it’s important for you to make professional development a priority throughout your career in order to stay competitive and relevant in your field.

Duke HR Learning & Organization Development offers an array of classes, workshops, program development and consulting services that enable individuals, teams, and organizations within Duke to achieve extraordinary results. Contact us at to learn more.


LinkedIn (2023, April 24) Rahul Lahoria: The Benefits of Professional Development for Career Growth

Keeping Mental Fatigue at Bay

In a world where juggling work, personal life, and the constant ping of notifications is the norm, mental fatigue is all too common. But it’s more than just being a little tired–it can bog you down, mess with your productivity, and even derail your wellbeing. As your brain tires, it becomes less efficient, and the longer you work without rest, the harder tasks feel and the more difficult it becomes to stay focused.

Identifying mental fatigue isn’t always straightforward. Symptoms can vary from one person to another and can also escalate during periods of stress. What complicates matters further is that these symptoms often mimic or coincide with other health issues.

While mental exhaustion may feel overwhelming, it is possible to recharge your mind and regain mental clarity. Here are five ways to delay or reduce mental fatigue during the day so you’re more productive.

Take frequent breaks. Stretch, walk around the block, or even take a brief nap. In high-pressure situations, pausing for as little as five seconds every two minutes can improve performance significantly. For more constant mental heavy lifting, aim for a break every 20 minutes, and for periods of deep concentration, take 10-minute breaks no more than 90 minutes apart.

Stay active. Physical activity has the double benefit of improving physical and mental health. Even just 20–30 minutes of moderate exercise can boost your mood and provide you with a dose of energy.

Limit intense work to four hours a day. Working beyond this can result in mental fatigue that carries over into the next day, preventing proper recovery. When possible, try structuring your work in 90-minute blocks, interspersing intense tasks with easier, lower-effort activities such as responding to emails.

Clear your space of clutter.  A cluttered environment can be a subtle but significant source of stress. Taking the time to declutter your living and working spaces can free up mental energy. Organizing your physical environment can create a sense of order and control, which is psychologically reassuring.

Double down on sleep. A lack of good-quality sleep can lead to physical and mental fatigue. Aim for at least 7–8 hours of sleep each night to give your mind the rest it deserves.

Since mental fatigue is not visible from the outside, it is easy to forget it exists until it starts harming performance or affecting your health and well-being. Recognizing mental fatigue as an occupational hazard and proactively incorporating measures that prevent it allows us to embrace the rapidly evolving landscape of knowledge work and harness its momentum to our advantage.


Calm (2024, October 5) Chris Mosunic, Ph.D., RD, CDCES, MBA: Mentally exhausted? Here’s 10 ways to overcome mental fatigue.
Harvard Business Review (2024, October 8) Mithu Storoni: How to Manage – and Avoid – Mental Fatigue

Do Your Employees Have Time to Innovate?

There are many ways a leader can rally workers around innovation, from launching experiments to rolling out initiatives to running hackathons. But any one of these efforts must contend with the reality of the modern-day workplace — everyone is really busy.

We all have those work tasks that take longer than they should because of some rule or procedure that has outlived its purpose. The culmination of these clunky processes is known as process debt, and it costs employees time that could be used for innovation. Here’s how to combat it—and give your employees back time to try new things.

If you’re going to add something, take something away first. When the number of projects accumulates to the point where they become insurmountable, it takes away time to generate fresh ideas. As a manager, openly celebrate when your team stops doing something, just like you would celebrate the launch of something new.

Make it clear innovation is a priority. Provide employees with the dedicated space (such as an office brainstorming room) and time (such as a hackathon event) they need to cook up new ideas.

Separate the goals of optimization and invention. Optimization is about improving the business, growing the number of customers, and keeping them happy, whereas invention is about bringing something new to the market. Employees have seasons of peak busyness—which aren’t the optimal moments to push them to think differently. Instead, prioritize innovation during the less-intense stretches of the year.

The modern workplace will never reach innovation finality. The daily responsibilities will never die down. So, you must actively tend to the balance, listen to the people doing the work, and adjust as needed as you roll out new initiatives.


Harvard Business Review (2024, October 8) Eric Athas: How to Give Busy People the Time to Innovate 

Becoming More Visible at Work

It takes more than hard work to grow in your role and build credibility. The impact of your hard work also needs to be visible to others. Workplace visibility is vital to getting your name mentioned in the room where decisions are made, being included in career-shaping projects, and eventually, landing a promotion. If other people don’t know what you’ve accomplished, you’ll never achieve your full potential for advancement. Here’s how to become more visible at work:

Make a move. Being a visible employee requires purpose and intention. It takes action. If you’re normally someone who doesn’t talk in meetings, start speaking up or follow up immediately afterwards with the meeting host. Remember, humility doesn’t equal silence.

Deliver quality work. It may seem obvious but be visible for the right reasons. Do good work. When people can count on quality work from you, you’ll earn the reputation as a reliable, trustworthy, and valued, needed member of the team — all which leads to more visibility.

Know what’s top of mind for key stakeholders. Be able to help and add value to the work of powerful decision-makers in your organization. When you demonstrate that you have a skillset that can be a valuable resource to them and their work, they’ll be more likely to pay attention to your work.

Love to learn. Look for, ask about, and volunteer for learning opportunities that will expand your skills. All the better if those opportunities benefit key stakeholders. Does your company offer cross-departmental job rotations? Does your manager need an extra hand for a time-sensitive project? Can you volunteer to represent your team in cross-functional meetings? Seek learning opportunities that have urgent and promotable tasks.

Be kind. People want to collaborate with kind, thoughtful, good people. Be the person that people enjoy being around and having on their team. See being kind as an opportunity to hone your soft skills, like empathy, compassion, resilience and adaptability — traits that allow others to see you as approachable, collaborative, inclusive and as a valuable employee and emerging leader.

Make a connection. Don’t be shy about linking up with other visible superstars at work. Do this to connect and build relationships with those you admire with the intention of understanding how they earned their visibility. Your contributions will become more visible to them, increasing the potential to earn their sponsorship of you even when you’re not present.

Increasing your visibility takes time. Be patient and know that as you demonstrate your expertise and commitment, people will take notice of your work, ask for your participation and input, and ultimately, acknowledge, value, and reward you for your contributions.


Harvard Business Review (2023, August 18) Nicole D. Smith and Angela Cheng-Cimini: How to Become More Visible at Work

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