Are you doing the same thing over and over again because that’s the way you’ve always done it?  Even though it doesn’t work like it used to, maybe it never worked.

Some say, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”  But is it bent or cracked?  It’s not broken, but will it leave you stranded?  Do you need a complete overhaul?  Or just a good tune up?

How can you encourage innovation in your organization?

  • Move beyond traditional ways of doing things; push past the status quo
  • Continually assess the market potential of an innovative idea or solution
  • Find and champion the best creative ideas and actively move them into implementation
  • Try multiple, varied approaches to innovative ideas
  • Build excitement in others to explore creative options

Creativity and innovation happen when talented people are given the space and freedom to be inventive.  Invite everyone into the process; managers, end-users, stakeholders, everyone that would/could be affected.  Ask them to come with their ideas, thoughts, frustrations, etc.  Work to find a solution that the whole group will buy into.  Seek consensus.

Remember, change is challenging for some. Be prepared to work with everyone in order to ensure success.



Business News Daily (2013) Pearce, L. How to Cultivate Innovation in Real Time

LinkedIn (2016) Tai-Wai, D.C. 4 Magical Ways for Cultivating Innovation in Your Workplace