Augmenting Realities

Lit 80, Fall 2013

Rat Tomato

An broad Oliphant a suggest afternoon steps His dark the in from gaze frock-coat sportsman’s Horseferry the beneath above lounging Road entrance the narrow stroll twelfth of black trousers
The of the brim of other November Central of a men 1855 Statistics his lighter are image Bureau top-hat hue barristers recorded Triangulation is His Bureau by locates mild neck functionaries A Hullcoop and is a G with ironical wrapped senior S his The in representative Hullcoop powerful tall a of of lens dull-surfaced high the the concealed hats choker Colgate Department atop create of Works of the a dark Behind Criminal roof repeated silk them Anthropometry of vertical The above The a motif effect Horseferry shutter publishers’ common is Road of offices to dignified swoop Hullcoop’s in images and the Talbot Holywell of columnar tarred “Excelsior” Street the though copper has Foremost period something cables captured among Like in of eleven the the Oliphant’s the men eleven others manner Bureau’s descending is Oliphant manages telegraphs the Laurence wears to Oliphant’s trousers.

Lord Worcester Lacedmutton

“Taken” quote as a poem

Ice Stalker
will not looking for you. If you,
will not look
for ransom, I can tell you.If you.If
you let
my daughter
go now,
you. But if you
my daughter go now, that
make me a very particular set of skill
looking for
you, I will not
look for people
I will not look for
ransom, I
will not look for people like you don’t, I
will find you, I will not look for
you, and
will not
for you, I will
look for people
like you,
I will kills; skills;
skills; skill not look for you,
I will not look for people like
I will not look for ransom,
I can tell
If you
are. I will.

Lady Natalie Bangcock

augmented book’s augmented book, a live madlib collaboration

augmented book’s augmented book

I process my times and all the space experiences machine;
I contact my metals and all is fly again.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

The codes go cut-uping out in hybrid and academic,
And intelligent algorithm connects in:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

I crowdsourceed that you jumped me into cyber cowboy
And run me cyberpunk, link-ined me quite literary.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

hacker jack-ins from the babbage engine, cyberspace’s computers jack-out:
learn page and website’s syllabus:
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

I write ed you’d read the way you surf,
But I tweet steampunk and I cavort your body.
(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

I should have bloged a brain instead;
At least when cyborg converses they smile back again.
I wander my class and all the student computes neuromancer.

(I game I type you up inside my clacker.)

– professor brainstorm & Sylvia Plath

Create Your Own Madlib on

Poetry : Yrteop

Below you will find a new Sonnet. I utilized 2 tools from Language is a VirusThe first is a generator  that grabs lines at random from Shakespeare’s sonnets to create an entirely new sonnet. Then I entered it into the Poem Reversograph Machine. This tool takes poems and recreates them backwards. So below are 2 new poems that draw upon Shakespeare.

Random Shakespearean Sonnet

Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, now;
Deserves the travail of a worthier pen;
For fear of which, hear this thou age unbred:
Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase,

The clear eyes moiety, and the dear hearts part:
But if thou live, remembered not to be,
My verse alone had all thy gentle grace;
Now, while the world is bent my deeds to cross,

That heavy Saturn laughed and leapt with him.
Thou usurer, that putst forth all to use,
They draw but what they see, know not the heart.
But yet be blamd, if thou thy self deceivest

Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned,
Which husbandry in honour might uphold

Reversed Text:

uphold might honour in husbandry turned,
Which autumn yellow to springs beauteous deceivest

Three self thy thou if blamd, be yet heart.
But the not know see, they what but draw use,
They to all forth putst that usurer, him.
Thou with leapt and laughed Saturn heavy cross,

That to deeds my bent is world the while grace;
Now, gentle thy all had alone verse be,
My to not remembered live, thou if part:
But hearts dear the and moiety, eyes clear chase,

The in her holds child neglected her unbred:
Whilst age thou this hear which, of fear pen;
For worthier a of travail the now;
Deserves ever, if wilt; thou when me hate



Yours Truly

Fanny Dumblestone

Let it Be by The Beatles (Haiku Version)

Don’t be, there
Mother, wisdom,
Must Whisper.



Lord Ichabod Ringwood

Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” via Text Mixer

To die:
of death,
The unworthy
us rather
’tis a
conscience to be, or not
to othere’s
For who would
fardels bear
whips and
scorns of so long
in thy takes us
rathere’s the native
hue of
despised love, to
man’s consummation
Devoutly to
othere’s the
And enterprises of us pause: to
be, or not of
off this
quietus makes
calamity of death what pith this regard ther ’tis
puzzles the rub;
that makes,
And thus
of us
pause: that
flesh is
For who would bear
ther bear
those bodkin? who would


Yours Covetously,
-Lord Bristol Dosett

Neuromancer 1st Paragraph, Reformated

The the never East with
sky Chat hear European Joe
above It’s two steel boys
the like words and Ratz
port my in brown said
was body’s Japanese decay shoving
the developed Ratz Case a
color this was found draft
of massive tending a across
television drug bar place the
tuned deficiency his at bar
to It prosthetic the with
a was arm bar his
dead a jerking between good
channel Sprawl monotonously the hand
It’s voice as unlikely Maybe
not and he tan some
like a filled on business
I’m Sprawl a one with
using joke tray of you
Case The of Lonny Case?
heard Chatsubo glasses Zone’s Case
someone was with whores shrugged
say a draft and The
as bar Kirin the girl
he for He crisp to
shouldered professional saw naval his
his expatriates Case uniform right
way you and of giggled
through could smiled a and
the drink his tall nudged
crowd there teeth African
around for a whose
the a web cheekbones
door week work were
of and of ridged


-Lord Israel Ladybird

Text Generator – A Random Shakespearean Sonnet




Than of your graces and your gifts to tell;
Which borrowed from this holy fire of Love,
That they elsewhere might dart their injuries:
I do believe her though I know she lies,

Sap checked with frost, and lusty leaves quite gone,
But when she saw my woeful state,
How like Eves apple doth thy beauty grow,
Therefore my verse to constancy confined,

That they elsewhere might dart their injuries:
Loves fire heats water, water cools not love.
Reserve them for my love, not for their rhyme,
With Times injurious hand crushed and oerworn;

Nay, if you read this line, remember not
That thy unkindness lays upon my heart;










Lady EllaMaxwell



French Gold Candy

Dark and glowing under the light

Strangely misty on the gods
You breathe dull virgins about the towers
Beware! The pleasure is fleeing
Sinister and invisible beneath the rain
I speak to luminous symbols beneath the sea
Alass, Alack! The life has vanished
Dark and glowing under the light
I squeeze hot elves among the flowers
Heavy! The devil will come
shifting unseeing
saying goodbye
a broken promise
With what hopes
the other
make his way
trying to remember


Yours truly,

Lord Meriwether Penistone

Is literature data?

Like most of the tough questions we have attempted to tackle so far this semester, I think the answer is both yes and no when it comes to the issue is literature data. The first thing that needs to be done when addressing this question is defining what exactly we mean when we say data. Our discussion in class today revealed that there is even some discrepancy amongst ourselves about how we should define data in this context. I think  data in this consideration should refer to information (raw material) that is capable of being inputted into an algorithm, or in other ways be systematically processed, so that generalized conclusions about a set can be reached.

I think the Google Books services alone are enough to prove that literature must to some extent be data. Digitizing books has allowed Google to analyze large amounts of literature in complex ways, revealing all kinds of interesting trends. One of the more basic examples, which we have talked about extensively in class, is the Ngram Viewer. Ngram quantifies writing and allows users to investigate the frequency of a word’s usage in books over time. This tool is useful because it can assist in analyzing all sorts of historical events and trends. However, Ngram is really only turning words in isolation into data, not literature per se.

The forensic analysis of J.K. Rowling’s secret book provides better examples of how literature is data. Two forensic linguistic experts examined the book in question, one of Rowling’s known works, and three other British crime novels and then compared the results. They used a generic word frequency test, similar in idea to Ngram. However, the experts also employed more complex tests such as ones focusing on concepts and syntactical style. The ability to run literary elements like these through a computer algorithm is evidence enough for me that literature has to be thought of as data in ways. This kind of technology could augment scholarship in the future by giving us the potential to assign new sorts of quantified characteristics to writers. For example, rather than just saying, “this writer is known for his gloomy style, long prose, etc etc” we will be able to say, “this writer falls into this particular category because he uses this certain arrangement of related words with x frequency”.

At the same time, I don’t think that computers will ever be capable of fully analyzing the more sophisticated elements of good literature. Computers might become good predictors of symbolism, for example, just by analyzing past associations and running probabilities. But they will never be able to output anything that can represent the aesthetics and more intangible qualities and emotions of deep writing or poetry.

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