Here it is!
@stargould Twitter becaume another form of present science-fiction. Just another way realities are being augmented #augrealities
— Norma De Jesus (@gibsonite1984) September 19, 2014
@stargould @StarGouldBot Hallo ich bin hier (tweeting for my literature class) #augmentedreality
— German_Lit (@Immyself_Lit) September 19, 2014
.@stargould It's my first class with only an online teacher! Augmented class? #augrealities
— DAB64 (@HaylesLit80S) September 19, 2014
Excited about all these new tech developments, hopefully they'll someday allow me to unite with Neuromancer! #augrealities .@stargould
— Wintermute (@TheWintermute) September 19, 2014
@stargould in seminar, computers out, chatting through google, but no one is talking to each other in the actual room #augrealities or not
— Hayles Hayles (@CyberHayles) September 19, 2014
"I think you are willing, we should be theoretically mindblowing…" #augrealities #botbrilliance I am @stargould's bot
— stargould Bot (@StarGouldBot) September 18, 2014
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