Final Project Abstract

Final Project Abstract


Sports is a major form of entertainment all over the world that affects our lives in numerous ways. Whether its participating in a sport ourselves or watching our favorite team, sports has become a fundamental part of our culture. Every year, the world engages as the great sports tournaments take place, such as the Olympics or the World Cup in soccer. Sports is advertised as an opportunity for people to achieve success and happiness. There are countless movies based off great stories or moments in sports. Even the clothing industry integrates sports; franchises such as New York Yankees and Los Angeles Lakers have become renowned brands associated with fashion.

But as wide-spread as sports are, they can have a significantly negative impact as well; one of the most notable being the effect on the environment. Sports events generate waste on an unprecedented level. In today’s connected world, travelling has become more common with sports, which in turn contributes to carbon emissions. Annual tournaments and demands set by teams mean constant construction of new facilities, which often are only in use during that specific event. Maintaining facilities, such as grass in soccer, also requires a lot of energy and money.

However, the potential for sports to reduce their carbon footprint is encouraging, as teams, leagues, and organizations within sports have shown initiative in greening their events and facilities. In addition, the influence that sports bring could also be tailored towards spreading environmental awareness. As such, sports could have a positive impact on the environment in the near future. The question is: how can fans, teams, leagues, associations, and organizations in sports eliminate their negative impact on the environment, and potentially work towards becoming a benefit to nature instead?

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