When and where are Sunday church services?
Duke students attend church meetings at the Durham YSA Ward which meets at the Institute building (400 Country Club Road, Chapel Hill, NC) on UNC-Chapel Hill campus, about 20 minutes away from Duke West Campus. Sunday services begin at 10am. The Durham YSA ward is a great community of students from both Duke and UNC, as well as young professionals living in and around the Durham-Chapel Hill area. If you don’t have a car, there are always carpools for church events, or another option could be the Robertson Scholar bus which runs every half hour from Duke campus to UNC campus.
How many LDS students are at Duke?
The exact number of LDS undergraduates at Duke tends to fluctuate around 10-15 students. However, when including students at the various graduate schools at Duke, there are approximately 50.
The Durham YSA Ward is combined with UNC students and members from the surrounding area, so our entire ward has about 200 members total.
Can I go to Duke and still serve a mission?
Yes! Duke is very accommodating and supportive in facilitating a two-year leave of absence for students to serve a full-time mission. They have let students defer enrollment for two years in order to serve prior to beginning their studies, as well as let students take a two-year leave of absence after beginning studies. If you have more questions about this process, reach out to our current President, an RM, and she will be happy to answer concerns, talk about her experience, or connect you with appropriate people.
Are there any Institute classes available to Duke Students?
There are multiple institute classes offered through the Chapel Hill Institute of Religion each semester, at least one being located on Duke’s campus. Several other courses are offered at the Institute building or at other locations on UNC campus, depending on the semester. Please direct more questions about Institute to the Institute Director, Brother Webb (find his information on the Contact page).
For the 2022 – 2023 school year, the Duke Institute class will be Tuesday nights at 7:00pm.
How do I get involved/connected?
We are so excited to have you join us! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our President (contact info on the Contact page) who can get you connected to the Durham YSA Ward in various ways (e.g., if you will need housing, you can be set up with the housing coordinator, etc.). The Ward has regular sports and activity nights every weeks, so feel free to check out the page that stays the most updated for details on those events: the Friends of Durham YSA Facebook group. The Duke LDSSA is an additional Facebook page for Duke-specific events.
How easy is it to get to the Raleigh temple?
Duke’s campus is about 30 minutes away from the Raleigh North Carolina Temple (590 Bryan Drive, Apex, NC). In addition to the Ward temple trips each quarter, Duke students frequently carpool to the temple when schedules allow. For more information about the Raleigh Temple, including a schedule and contact information, click here.
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