Lawfire’s five-year anniversary: the all-time top posts!

It’s hard to believe, but this month – thanks to the support of you, the readers – we celebrate Lawfire’s five-year anniversary.  Since March 2016, 350 posts have been published. If you’re curious as to the most-viewed, here they are:

  1. Eight leadership lessons from the Navy carrier captain’s case (27 Apr 2020).
  1. Can Presidents ‘fire’ senior military officers? Generally, yes…but it’s complicated (15 Sept 2016).
  1. The killing of General Soleimani was lawful self-defense, not “assassination” (3 Jan 2020).
  1. A Life Too Short Leaves a Lesson and Legacy (11 May 2017).
  1. Yes, the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden was lawful (31 Jan 2019).

As we look ahead, count on Lawfire® to provide you with fresh perspectives you won’t find elsewhere, including those of guest contributors who are experienced national security experts as well as super-talented young people who recognize the vital importance of these issues for the world’s future.

Reliable. Reputable. Relevant. Those are the elements Lawfire® has sought to deliver the last five years and into the future. By digging deep into certain matters of national security and the law, we hope readers gain a broader understanding of the role of law and ethics in these fields. So, whether you’re a member of the armed forces, government worker, policy official, scholar, student, lawyer or concerned citizen, thank you for reading Lawfire®and for sharing it with others.

Your ideas for future posts are welcomed. I’d be glad to hear from you!

Join in the celebration of the 5th anniversary of Lawfire® and support the mission of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security.  Find out more here (use the drop down menu to select “Center on Law, Ethics and National Security” or give here.)

Of course, always remember our Lawfire® mantra: gather the facts, examine the law, evaluate the arguments – and then decide for yourself!





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