My research interests focus on how animals navigate and orient. Specifically, I am interested in exploring long-distance migrators’ magnetic sensory system using computational and statistical methods. Click the links below to learn more!

Magnetoreception and Whale Strandings
Here I use statistical analyses to better understand magnetic navigation and behavior in the ocean by examining the patterns of whale strandings. Click the link above or in the image to learn more!

Inclination Compass
Here I use computational modeling techniques to better understand how animals might use an inclination compass to migrate. Click the link above or in the image to learn more!

Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Noise
In a synthetic review, I examine environmental sources of RF and the ways in which it could disrupt magnetic orientation behavior. Click the link above or in the image to learn more!

Collaborative Navigation
Here I explore how animals might use collaborative navigation, by traveling in a group, to overcome the noisiness of the magnetic modality. Click the link above or in the image to learn more!