Kim Madundo, Consulting Psychiatrist, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Kim is one of three psychiatrists in the Northern zone of Tanzania; licensed, registered, and currently practising at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre. He has an interest in creating awareness around mental health, research around mental health challenges among people living with HIV, and validating psychometric tools for use in the Tanzanian context. His roles on the IDEAS study include supervision and training of study counselors, facilitating referrals of at-risk clients to standard of care, and participating in team discussions.

Dr. Brandon Knettel, Principal Investigator, Duke University School of Nursing & Duke Global Health Institute

Prof. Blandina Mmbaga, Site Mentor, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute

Dr. Judith Boshe, Consulting Psychiatrist, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

Ismail Amiri, Study Coordinator, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute Ismail is a trained social scientist with extensive experience organizing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research, with a focus in HIV-related stigma and HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. He has an undergraduate degree in philosophy and psychology from the University of Dodoma. His current responsibilities on the IDEAS study include preparing and coordinating data collection at four local HIV clinic study sites, conducting and translating qualitative interviews with patients and nurses, providing brief support for depression and suicidal ideation among PLWH, and administering questionnaires for scale validation.

Paul Ngangula, Graduate Research Assistant – Duke Global Health Institute
Paul is a Global Health Master’s student from Duke University. He is originally from Zambia. Paul is the founder and visionary of the Fortress of Hope Organization and has a keen research interest in intervention design, implementation science, and health behavior science.

Linda Minja, Data Manager, Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute My name is Linda Minja, I’m an assistant statistician at Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI). Since joining KCRI in 2016 I have worked on observational studies, longitudinal studies, and clinical trials. As a data manager on the Ideas of Hope study, I ensure that the data collected is accurate and complete and will assist with data analysis and manuscript preparation. My research interests are in quantitative modeling.

Alyssa Martinez, Research Assistant, Duke Global Health Institute Alyssa is a Master of Global Health student at Duke University, with primary interests in global mental health. She has experience in oncology, cardiology, and mental health research. Some of her responsibilities on the IDEAS study include assisting with clinical supervision, conducting qualitative interviews with mental health professionals, analyzing qualitative data, and designing/managing the study website.

Elizabeth Knippler, Research Study Coordinator, Duke Center for AIDS Research & Duke University School of Nursing Lizzy is a Program Coordinator in Community Health, supporting research projects at the School of Nursing and community engagement efforts at the Duke Center for AIDS Research. She received her Master of Public Health degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has experience in research management and implementation, data analysis, and science communication. Her research interests include sexual and reproductive health, HIV, and mental health, with an emphasis on community-driven interventions and the translation of research into practice. As part of the IDEAS team, she assists with project coordination and management, qualitative data analysis, and REDCap programming.

Elisabeth Msoka joined the team in July 2022 as the new study coordinator.

Clotilda Tarimo joined the study in July 2022 as a research assistant.

Victor Katiti joined the team in July 2022 as a research assistant.