Libby Jenke recently passed her third-year (prelim) paper! This is the major mid-career paper in the Political Science Ph.D. curriculum. This is also the final, formal milestone before dissertation preparations (so you have a lot to look forward to, Libby).…
Article about John Clithero
Former lab member John Clithero recently accepted a position in Pomona College’s Economics Department. Take a look at an article that was written about him and his future contributions to the field.
UNC/Duke Social Hour
The Huettel Lab recently hosted a social hour honoring the rivalry between UNC and Duke. While most folks in lab (and obviously at Duke) bleed a darker shade of blue, there are still some that tend towards the lighter side…
New Position
Congrats to former lab member John Clithero for accepting a faculty position in the Economics Department at Pomona College. John will begin there as anĀ Assistant Professor of Economics, with a particular focus on behavioral economics and neuroeconomics.
New Paper
Congratulations to Elizabeth Beam and her collaborators! Their new paper “Mapping the Semantic Structure of Cognitive Neuroscience” was accepted in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Congratulations Rosa!
Rosa successfully defended her MAP. Congratulations Rosa!
Congratulations Amy!
Amy Winecoff has accepted an assistant professor position at Bard College. Congratulations Amy!
New Paper
Congratulations Chris! His paper, “An Abbreviated Impulsiveness Scale Constructed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the BIS-11,” has been accepted in the Archives of Scientific Psychology. Chris’s paper describes an abbreviated version of the most popular impulsiveness scale in the literature,…
New Paper
Congrats to Dave, John, and their collaborators on their new paper “Functional Connectivity with Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Reflects Subjective Value for Social Rewards,” which was accepted into Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience.
New Paper
Congrats to Amanda Utevsky and David Smith! Amanda’s paper “Precuneus is a Functional Core of the Default-Mode Network” has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Neuroscience.