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Author Archives: Kathryn Haas, Ph.D.
Congratulations, Kalyee!
Kaylee presenter her summer research at the 2024 SERMACS conference. Congratulations on your first conference presentation!

Congratulations, Chinelo!
Chinelo presented her very first ever poster at the Duke Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Poster Session! Great job Chinelo! We are proud of you!
#ActualLivingScientist #ThisIsWhatAScientistLooksLike #ILookLikeAScientist
Abby presents her research at Duke!
Abby presented her research at Duke’s Chemistry Undergraduate Research poster session! Congratulations Abby! We are proud of you! #ActualLivingScientist #ThisIsWhatAScientistLooksLike #ILookLikeAScientist
Presenting abroad!
Abby and Dr. Haas visit Canada to present at the 8th Canadian Conference for Bioinorganic Chemistry.
Congratulations to Abby, who attended her first conference and gave a great poster!
Thanks to CanBIC for a terrific conference!
The future looks Duke Blue for the Haas Lab!
After 9 years at Saint Mary’s College, Dr. Haas is moving back “home” to North Carolina! Dr. Haas accepted a position at Duke University as Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of Chemistry. The Haas Lab will continue its research in bio inorganic chemistry with Duke University undergraduate students, and anyone else who wants to join us!

Congratulations, Ana!
Congratulations, graduates! And especially to our labmate, Ana Martinez! Ana graduated with honors and is planning to begin graduate school in Fall 2022 after a gap year and some much earned downtime. She has some ideas of where she will go to grad school (Dr. Haas is pushing for Duke!!! for purely selfish reasons), but Ana is still undecided.
Go do great things, Ana! We know you will!!!

Still making progress in the pandemic!
So proud of the students! This is the first publication out of the bioinorganic unit of our CURE course at Saint Mary’s College!
Despite being separated by the pandemic, and with the help of our collaborators, we managed to turn this research saga into a paper in Inorganic Chemistry!

Saint Mary’s College Included in $5 Million Grant-Funded Open Textbooks Project
Thanks to all the students who have poured their hearts into writing projects in CHEM 342, and the faculty and staff at Saint Mary’s and nationwide who made this cross-disciplinary award possible!
The Biennial Conference for Chemical Education was hosted at University of Notre Dame this week. Dr. Haas was the poster organiser and presented two posters about education in chemistry.
Dr. Haas is named as a Scialog Fellow
Congratulations to Asst. Prof. Kathryn Haas on being named as a Scialog Fellow for “Chemical Machinery of the Cell” by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation!
Click here to learn more: http://rescorp.org/scialog/chemical-machinery-of-the-cell