Deadline: March 23, 5:00 p.m.
The Provost’s Office is again offering support for graduate students to augment their core research and training by acquiring additional skills, knowledge, or experiences that are not available at Duke and that will enhance their capacity to carry out original research. Supported activities include cognate training workshops, field research opportunities, and (doctoral students only) internships. Awards are up to $5,000 for workshops or field research; up to $2,700 per month for internships.
All current graduate students (post-undergraduate, including master’s, professional, and doctoral students) in any program at Duke University may propose graduate training enhancement activities, aside from summer internships, which are only available to doctoral students. Previous GSTEG awardees may not apply.
See the full RFP for details.
Info Sessions
- Tuesday, January 21, 249 Rubenstein Library, 12:00–1:00 p.m. | Please register for lunch
- Thursday, January 23, 349 Rubenstein Library, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | Please register for lunch
Amy Feistel, amy.feistel