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October Summary – Celiac Disease

As our October “Hot Topic,” George Philips presented a paper published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, A prospective study of duodenal bulb biopsy in newly diagnosed and established adult celiac disease (PMID 21606978) on the benefit of taking duodenal bulb biopsies when assessing for celiac disease.

There were several limitations to this paper. The population from which patients were prospectively recruited included mostly patients in whom Celiac disease was suspected, and in a more diverse patient population, there could be false positives due to etiologies other than celiac disease. In this study, the pathologists were not blinded at the time of their assessment of the duodenal bulb biopsies.

The expert clinicians in the room at journal club agreed that this paper would not cause them to change clinical practice.

November 17th is the Great American Smokeout

November 17, 2011 is the annual Great American Smokeout, sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

To mark the occasion, here are two recent articles in the November issue of Gastroenterology associating increased risk of gastrointestinal polyps, dysplasia,  and cancer with tobacco smoke exposure.

Smoking Increases the Risk for Colorectal Adenomas in Persons with Lynch Syndrome, Renate M. Winkels, Akke Botma, Fränzel J.B. van Duijnhoven, Fokko M. Nagengast, Jan H. Kleibeuker, Hans F.A. Vasen, Ellen Kampman (get the PDF)

Tobacco Smoking Increases the Risk of High-Grade Dysplasia and Cancer Among Patients with Barrett’s Esophagus, Helen G. Coleman, Shivaram Bhat, Brian T. Johnston, Damian McManus, Anna T. Gavin, Liam J. Murray (get the PDF)

Remember to remind your patients who smoke of the benefits of quitting. You can refer them to resources through the American Cancer Society.

Prior JC Conferences


October 2024