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Happy Thanksgiving – November Articles Posted Here
Happy Thanksgiving!
Over the holiday weekend, be sure to make some time for the exciting articles we’ll be discussing at GI Journal Club on Tuesday, November 29. We’ll be covering advanced therapeutics/imaging as well as biliary/pancreatic for our topic areas. Our hot topic will cover an article about the role of the microbiome in functional bowel disorders.
The Advanced Therapeutics / Imaging paper by Puli et al will come from Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (PMID 22047699) and will be presented by George Philips:
Tilak Shah will be presenting the biliary/pancreatic paper from Gastrointestinal Endoscopy by Milovic et al (PMID: 21981815):
Alison Jazwinski will be presenting the Hot Topic, found in Gastroenterology by Saulnier et al (PMID: 21741921):
Gastrointestinal microbiome signatures of pediatric patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
or through AGA website for the PDF.
If we have additional time, we’ll discuss an article from earlier this year found in the American Journal of Gastroenterology by Parakh et al (PMID: 21212750).
Are we speaking the same language?: Acronyms in Gastroenterology.
Please plan on joining us on Tuesday, November 29th for Journal Club and have a safe and wonderful holiday.
November 17th is the Great American Smokeout
November 17, 2011 is the annual Great American Smokeout, sponsored by the American Cancer Society.
To mark the occasion, here are two recent articles in the November issue of Gastroenterology associating increased risk of gastrointestinal polyps, dysplasia, and cancer with tobacco smoke exposure.
Smoking Increases the Risk for Colorectal Adenomas in Persons with Lynch Syndrome, Renate M. Winkels, Akke Botma, Fränzel J.B. van Duijnhoven, Fokko M. Nagengast, Jan H. Kleibeuker, Hans F.A. Vasen, Ellen Kampman (get the PDF)
Tobacco Smoking Increases the Risk of High-Grade Dysplasia and Cancer Among Patients with Barrett’s Esophagus, Helen G. Coleman, Shivaram Bhat, Brian T. Johnston, Damian McManus, Anna T. Gavin, Liam J. Murray (get the PDF)
Remember to remind your patients who smoke of the benefits of quitting. You can refer them to resources through the American Cancer Society.