
If you are researcher, scientist, or engineer in eastern North Carolina, please consider one of these available volunteer roles:

Activity Leader

Prepare and host a 50 min STEM-related activity to a group of students (~15 per group) 3 times throughout the day. We can reimburse for material costs. You can also team up with colleagues to lead an activity together.

Apply to lead your own activity HERE!


Junior Group Leader

High school students who will work with GEST group leaders to lead groups of middle school students as they participate in in STEM activities throughout the day.

Apply to be a Junior Group Leader HERE!

Junior Group Leaders (9th-12th Grade GEST alum) are required to complete the Permission Form and bring it with them to the event on April 4th.

GEST Permission Form 2020


Group Leader or General Volunteer

We are seeking volunteers to help with event set up (Friday, March 31, 5:30 – 6:30 PM), volunteer and participant check-in on Saturday morning, and activity assisting/group leading for the full day on Saturday.

We are also looking for volunteers to lead groups of students to their 3 activities throughout the day and act as STEM mentors.

Please specify in the survey the role you would like to volunteer for.

Sign up to be a Group Leader or General Volunteer HERE!




Note: Per Duke University’s Minors Policy, all volunteers will be required to complete a free background check and pass an informational quiz about working with minors (time commitment: < 20 min). Background checks are valid for 4 years and the quiz is valid for 1 year. You will receive an email with links to complete both.