Light Painting Outreach at FIP
Duke University’s Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics
and the Pratt School of Engineering’s Art@Duke Engineering
Hosted the
Inaugural Light Painting Photography Workshop
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Wilkinson Building Auditorium, Duke University
Light Painting Brushes (LPB) shares tutorials on the art of light painting.
Some of the art styles shown at the outreach and many more can be learned in LPB’s tutorials.
Light Painter a/k/a Jedii Light Painting
Wendell, NC
With what is now going on a little over a decade of swinging lights in front of a camera, I am what you call a light painter. I use long exposures or an open shutter of a camera to catch light trails in the night. I focus on the manipulation of light in a three dimensional space to create works of art through the use of photography. Combining the skills of photography, drawing and painting; I “paint” a scene by using home made light tools an toys to create my final image. I have been involved in a Guiness Book World Record for light painting, exhibited in many galleries and even been featured on an episode of WRAL-TV’s “The Tarheel Traveler”! A common saying that can describe this art form is that the night is my canvas, and light is my paint.
Light Painter
Charlottesville, Virginia
Laura DelPrato is a light painting artist who enjoys collaborating with people to explore and express their unique strengths. She hopes that her art invites people to discover and experience the power of play and inspirational energy transfer that transcends the tangible material world. Laura discovered light painting in 2007 when she first experimented with long exposures in her high school film photography class. Inspired by light painting’s potential to create magic in the real world, she continued to explore and play with different light sources through digital photography. She wrote her undergraduate thesis on the art and theory of light painting. After graduation, she collaborated with 11 other light painters to achieve the first light painting Guinness World Record in 2014. Since then, Laura has led multiple interactive light painting workshops and shared the art of light painting with her friends and family.
Part of my thesis was published in: Leadership, Popular Culture, and Social Change (Chapter 13 – How light painters lead change through popular culture)
Jason D. Page is a Light Painter. His work focuses on using a camera as an instrument for recording light rather than a tool for documentation. Jason is passionate about the the Light Painting Art Form. He is the founder of and the inventor of the light painting tool system Light Painting Brushes (including the Universal Connector) that is used by many light painters.
Light Painter
Hartlight Photography and
Ambassador of Light Painting Brushes
Buchanan, Virginia
Light Painting Brushes Brand Ambassador Jason Rinehart has been creating his light painting work since 2004, he dedicated himself to the art form after being inspired by a documentary film on fellow Brand Ambassador Denis Smith. Jason’s Light Painting Photography works takes you on a journey into a dream world that he creates along with his favorite models, his three lovely daughters. Check out the full interview with Jason Rinehart at follow the links at the bottom of the page for even more of his imaginative imagery!
Light Painter
Through the Eyes of a Photographer
Wilmington, NC
My interest in photography started at the age of 12, when I got my first Polaroid camera. Taking 4 years of Photography in high school added to the fever that I already had. I started light painting back in the early ’80s, not really realizing the potential that it had, but the cost of film back in those days, was somewhat prohibited to do too much experimenting with. As the new age approach with digital cameras, my light painting was rekindled back in 2012. As the years rolled by, my interest has always continue to expand further into the genre of photography.
Light Painter
Durham, North Carolina
Business Manager, Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Recently when my mother was sick with cancer, I saw some photos of light painting from a work colleague, Jess Cruger. I was in awe and asked her could she show me how she created them. From there began a wonderful friendship and networking with all kinds of light painters and amazing people from many places. This form of working with light gave me a great sense of peace and joy. In this outreach you will see some fantastic light painters that are willing to share knowledge and inspire You to create!
Light Painter
Durham, North Carolina
Lab Manager for Professor Marc Sommer
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
My creative vision continues to evolve as my passion for Neuroscience and light paint collide. My recent artistic evolution is based on the realization that individual reality is in the mind. Neurons play a huge role in our experience. Part of my art and science journey has been externalizing inner constructs.
Perception is based on perspective. Feelings; positive and negative. Creativity. Peace. Anxiety. Joy. Sadness. Reality. All we understand, like, dislike, and believe is in our mind.
I strive to create images that inspire others to share experiences. I also hope to elevate the light arts community by merging academic pursuits with street art.
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