Home » Chapter 6: The FASD Student & Behavioral Issues » Effective Teaching Strategies for Poor Impulse Control

Effective Teaching Strategies for Poor Impulse Control

Managing behavior is about predicting and preventing an unwanted behavior before it happens— not always possible but a more effective place to put our energy than always being reactive.
A. Weir (Lasser, 1999)

Teach good habits that are impulse-responsive through role play and practice. the critical thinking step and helps positive behavior become routine.

Provide Lessons in Cause-and-Effect (“If I do this, then this will happen.”)

Provide Close Supervisionsoccer ball

  • For safety
  • For positive peer interaction
  • To assist them in following the rules

Anticipate Problems

Avoid them on the playground

  • Make certain the yard duty supervisor is aware of the student’s FASD needs
  • Provide the student with something to do (a special game/activity/ball, etc.) or a buddy
  • Create playground games which include anyone who wants to join in
  • Explain FASD to classmates. Let them know how important it is to include FASD students even though the FASD student may get confused during a game or may not remember the rules.

Avoid them in the lunchroom

  • Practice lunchroom behavior (where to sit, what to do when they are finished, etc.)
  • Seat FASD student with a good role model

Avoid them walking in the halllunch

  • Have student be the line leader, walking with a teacher
  • Hold the student’s hand (if young)