Work as a Team

The classroom strategies discussed in this manual will help the FASD student reach his/her educational potential. Teachers work with many educational specialists to get the support they need in order to best work with the student.

Communication between home and school is an essential factor when trying to help the student reach his optimal potential.

When teachers get to know the family of the FASD student, they are better able to help the student. Teachers must let parents know that they are allies, working together. In order for parents to feel that they are allies, they must not feel that the teacher is judgmental or blames them for poor parenting skills. The FASD student can cause chaos and disruption in the home and family. The team approach will encourage more consistency and structure when home and school are working together.

Parents and teachers need to exchange information about how the child is doing. The flow of communication between home and school creates a stronger home and school environment for the child. A teacher’s classroom management skills will be strengthened by knowing when there are upcoming changes, difficulties, or successes. Parents will benefit from feeling that they are part of a team with the teacher. Parents of these children are often overwhelmed and quite vulnerable. Some of these mothers may themselves have FASD. When a parent feels supported by the teacher, they are able to support their child as well.