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To do before the workshop: Share your Fake News!

Before our FAKE NEWS WORKSHOP, please prepare the following work:

a. In the black bar at the top of this blog, hover your mouse above ” + NEW” and click on “POST“.

b. This is where you need to post your Fake News following these instructions:

1) Give it a title with your full name + the topic of your Fake News.

2) Before you post the final preparation, make sure to select French or Italian or Spanish in “Categories“, depending on your language.

2) Now let’s get writing! First, upload and insert a screenshot of your Fake News by clicking on “Add media” (if it already is a photo, meme, please upload it; if it is a YouTube video, you can paste the link directly in the body of text and it should automatically become an embedded video once you post your blog; if it is an article, please take a screenshot of the top of the top of the article)

3) Post the direct link to your source below your image, to cite its provenance.

4) Write a translation in English of the text written on your Fake News. For articles, please only translate the title and the first three or four sentences of the intro.

5) Finally : write a short analysis of your example of fake news
Explicit meaning: What is the content of the fake news? What explicit claims does it make?
Audience: What is the intended audience of the fake news?
Circulation: Where does the fake news appear? How did it circulate? Can you identify its point of origin or author?
Communicative Strategy: What kind of communicative strategy(ies) does the fake news use (language, image, sounds etc)? How do these strategies attempt to affect its intended audience? What kind of emotions does it try to evoke in this audience?
Context: What is not explicitly discussed in the fake news but is still necessary to understand its meaning? In other words, what kind of cultural knowledge must the reader have in order to understand the point the fake news is trying to make? (Ex. “they steal our jobs”– Who are “they”?)
Fact-checking: Why is this an example of fake news? (Don’t forget to cite the sources that demonstrate that this is fake news, if possible. A link to the real news source that was deviated, for example.)

You will use your post during the workshop to share it with your discussion group.