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Category Archives: G19

Variance Risk Premium Dynamics: The Impact of Asset Price Jumps on Variance Risk Premia

By Jackson Pfeiffer

This paper utilizes the high-frequency stock price data and the corresponding daily option price data of several highly capitalized corporations in order to investigate the impact that asset price jumps of individual equities have on the equities’ respective variance risk premia. The findings of this paper describe many characteristics of the variance risk premia of individual equities, supporting some expectations of the characteristics, and refuting others. In the process of investigating these characteristics, this paper proposes a simple estimator for the market price of the variance risk of an individual equity.

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Advisor: George Tauchen | JEL Codes:  G1, G19, G11 | Tagged: Variance Risk, Variance Swaps, Price Jumps

Simultaneous Occurrence of Price Jumps and Changes in Diffusive Price Volatility

By Shunting Wei

This paper uses high frequency financial data to study the changes in diffusive stock price volatility when price jumps are likely to have occurred. In particular, we study this effect on two levels. Firstly, we compare diffusive volatility on jump and non-jump days. Secondly, we study the change in diffusive volatility in local windows before and after 5-minute intervals on which price jumps are likely to have occurred. We find evidence that market price jumps occur simultaneously with a change in diffusive volatility with negative dependence in the direction of the jump and the volatility change. However, a similar relationship is not detectable in individual stock price data.

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Advisor: George Tauchen | JEL Codes: C22, G1, G19 | Tagged: Diffusive Volatility, Jump Tests, Realized Volatility, Stock Price Jumps


Undergraduate Program Assistant
Matthew Eggleston

Director of the Honors Program
Michelle P. Connolly