This week by special request, we’re reviewing tech support for our fall semester courses. For faculty, here’s how we’ll be supporting your course. Students? Here’s what to expect:
But first … here’s our Tech Tip of the Week –
Here is a quick refresher on creating your best online presence:
- Think about Zoom the same as you would a conference room, sitting at a table. It’s natural to show your head and shoulders in your camera feed. Anything more or less just doesn’t look right.
- Seeing nostrils? That just means your camera is too low. Prop up your camera so that your picture is nostril-free.
- Stuck in the basement or your teen-ager’s room? Remember, the room shows up behind you. Make sure you’ve got a simple background with no distractions. A bare wall may be a better choice than your laundry room.
- Make sure you face a light source. It’s difficult to see someone who is back-lit.
For faculty …
Here is a quick review of how we will support your classes this fall:
- On-site classes, labs, seminars: We’re here for you.
- Between each class, a member of SON-IT will be in to clean the teaching space and equipment so you can be confident when presenting.
- You may notice Saran Wrap over the touchscreen. We didn’t find a disinfectant we trusted with our hardware, so we went low tech. You can use the touch screens with the wrap on it and we replace the wrap after each class. (Hey, it works!)
- Does your on-site class have a simultaneous Zoom session?
- The first couple of weeks, a SON-IT team member will join the Zoom side to make sure there are no problems.
- Be thinking about how you (as the instructor) will be alerted if there is an issue with the Zoom side while you are teaching in front of the class.
- Please give your students our support number (919) 684-9200 (maybe add to your opening slide?).
- Other ideas? Let us know.
- Zoom Classes: If you taught in the spring or summer, you know the drill. For those new to being an instructor in this type of class:
- For the first two weeks of class, a member of our team will join your Zoom class 5 minutes prior to the start and stay until all tech issues are resolved.
- Any issues during class? Call 919-684-9200.
- We encourage you to start class with a Class Expectations If you need a sample, let us know.
For Students …
Zoom classes aren’t new to most of you, but it’s not a bad idea to review what to expect in a DUSON class. Most of what applies in the classroom applies in Zoom. Follow these general guidelines when attending a Zoom class:
- Your Zoom link should be in Sakai. If not, your instructor (or staff assistant) will provide the link.
- You will usually see a Class Expectations slide when you join the class. This will include instructions for things like:
- Cameras on or off?
- Microphones muted or not?
- How the instructor would like you to ask questions;
- If your instructor doesn’t have a slide, default to keeping your camera off, your microphone muted and ask questions in the chat window.
- When you enter the class, go ahead and open your Chat window. This is how you’ll communicate with course support staff.
- Also, make sure your full name is shown in the Participants list.
- Press the Participants icon in the menu
- If your full name isn’t listed (it may be a phone number or your NetID):
- Select Rename, then enter your full name
- Be sure to arrive on time:
- If you arrive late, remember that the class has already started. Enter quietly. Keep your camera off and your microphone muted.
- Want to talk with your classmates or ask a question? Use the Chat window instead of your microphone. It’s almost impossible to have individual conversations while others are talking at the same time.
If you have technical problems …
It’s probably going to happen at some point – you either can’t hear the instructor, you can’t see the course content, or maybe you are having problems connecting to the Zoom session. We’ve got you covered.
No need to interrupt your instructor. Follow these guidelines:
- If you can’t connect to the Zoom class, call SON-IT at (919) 684-9200.
- If you are already connected and having problems, you can either:
- Enter your issue in the chat window and your Staff Resource will contact a Tech Resource for you – OR –
- Call SON-IT at (919) 684-9200 and a Tech Resource will join the session to assist.
Our assistance will be limited to aspects directly affecting your ability to connect to class resources. For example, if you need help with a virtual background, that’s not an issue we will be able to resolve during a class session. Please send an email to for assistance with non-urgent issues with Zoom.