Upcoming Virology Seminars
Twelfth Annual Bill Joklik Distinguished Lectureship
Ralph S. Baric, PhD
William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology and Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Emerging Coronaviruses: Threats and Countermeasures
Friday, April 22, 2022
4:00 pm
Great Hall, Trent Semans Center
Reception to follow the lecture. Event is free and open to the public.
Registration required to obtain the Zoom link for online attendance: https://duke.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpdO2srzIpGNL2AicYjXUSMIxIWYd0_kQ4
The Joklik Distinguished Lectureship honors and commemorates the myriad of contributions of Dr. Bill (Wolfgang Karl) Joklik to Duke University and to the virology community at large.
Past speakers
Special Viral Oncology Training Grant Invited Speaker:
Julie Pfeiffer, PhD
UT Southwestern Medical Center
“Factors that affect enteric virus evolution”
12:30 PM March 10, 2022
Hosted by the Virology Oncology Training Grant trainees
Bing Chen, PhD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
“Exploring the membrane-related components of HIV-1 Env for immunogen design”
Tuesday, October 29
2-3 pm
143 Jones
Sponsored by Duke Center for Virology, CFAR and DHVI
Duke Center for Virology
Distinguished Virologist Lecture
Henri-Jacques Delecluse
Professor, University of Heidelberg
Head of Pathogenesis of Virus-Associated Tumors Division
“Pathogenesis of EBV-associated Tumors”
2:30 pm Friday, February 16
143 Jones Building
Hosted by Micah Luftig
Henri-Jacques is a preeminent EBV virologist who has developed a robust reverse genetic system to study viral pathogenesis. His work has mostly focused on B cell transformation as a model of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease, but has also identified new strains of EBV associated with epithelial cancers. He is an exceptional molecular virologist who is also trained as a clinical pathologist, which positions him well to discern key molecular features of viral pathogenesis. He is visiting the US and has taken one day to visit us at Duke and to present this special seminar. I would encourage you to attend if you are interested in learning more about EBV pathogenesis.
Special Viral Oncology Training Grant Invited Speaker:
Sara Sawyer, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder
May 31, 2018
Special Viral Oncology Training Grant Invited Speaker:
W. Ian Lipkin, MD
Professor, Columbia University
“Small Game Hunting”
March 2, 2017
Special Viral Oncology Training Grant Invited Speaker:
Cliona Rooney, PhD
Professor, Baylor College of Medicine
“EBV-Specific T cells for the Treatment of Cancer”
May 19, 2016