USP Spring Symposium 2024

Duke University Scholars Program Presents:

Autonomy & Autonomation: A Dialogue Between Us and Our Tools

Saturday, March 2, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Field Auditorium
Grainger Hall
Nicholas School of the Environment

9:30 am

Welcome and Introduction

9:35 am

Panel 1 – Tools of Dis/Content

Bianca Ingram
(T’ 25, Sociology)

Algorithmic Trading and White Collar Crime

Aden Klein
(T’24, Public Policy, Economics, Political Science)

Semiconductor Supply Chains: Autonomy to Innovate in an Interdependent Ecosystem

Pami Ellis
(School of Nursing)

The Dangers of “Over-Tooling” Simple Processes in Vulnerable Populations

Devon Carter (Musicology)

The Soul of the Phonograph

10:25-10:35 am


10:35 am

Panel 2 – Deus ex machina

Kate Redden
(Divinity School)

John Milton’s Use of Autonomy in Biblical Interpretation During the English Reformation

Amy Weng
(T’24, Computer Science, Medieval Renaissance Studies, Information Science & Studies

Thrusting into the Margin? Quantifying the Application of Sola Scriptura Through Scriptural References in Early Printed Sermons

Jonathan Joyner
(Nicholas School of the Environment, Fuqua School of Business)       

Technology and God: Interpretations

11:20  am – 12:00 pm


12:00 pm

Panel 3 – Mechanical Epistemologies

Foxx Hart
(T’24, Global Cultural Studies)

Mathematics is a Theory Whose Object Became Everything

Renata Poulton Kamakura

Mass Surveillance, Big Data, and the Desire for Knowledge

Zach Berens
(T’25, Mathematics, Computer Science)

Beyond Objectivity

12:40 – 12:50 pm


12:50 – 1:50 pm


Sarah Rispin Sedlak, J.D., Lecturing Fellow in the Duke Initiative for Science & Society

Title: TBD

2:00 pm



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